Search Constraints
Search Results
- Date:
- [8 January 1498/99?]
- Physical Description:
- 2 parts in 1 volume ([1], lij, [1], [MC]CCClxxxxviii [i.e. CCC.lxxxix], [1] leaves) : illustrations (woodcuts) 29cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [31 July 1482]
- Physical Description:
- [584] pages ; 30 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1486]
- Physical Description:
- [180] pages : illustrations ; 29 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [not before 24 April 1474]
- Physical Description:
- [144] leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1477 or 1478?]
- Physical Description:
- [308] pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno [Christ]iane salutis Mcccclxxxiij, ip[s]o die Joha[n]nis ante portam latinam [6 May 1483]
- Physical Description:
- [592] p. ; 31 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [23 August 1499]
- Physical Description:
- [12], lvij, [5], lix-cxxxv, [1], cxxxviij-cxlv, clxv-clxvi, cxlvii-cccl, [2] leaves : illustrations, coats of arms, genealogical tables ; 32 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- MCCCLXXV [1475]
- Physical Description:
- [912] pages : illustrations, genealogical tables, maps ; 38 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- an sant Iacobs abēt [24 July],
- Physical Description:
- 312 leaves ; fol
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [between 1465 and 1485?]
- Physical Description:
- 1 print : woodcut ; image 6.8 x 6.6 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1 Dec. 1481]
- Physical Description:
- [164] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 22 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
12. Comento di Christophoro Landino fiorentino sopra La comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta fiorentino.
- Date:
- del. MCCCCLXXXXI adi iii, Marzo [3 Mar. 1491]
- Physical Description:
- [10], CCLXXXXI, [1] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 31 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno a natali christiano MoCCCCoLXXVo [1475]
- Physical Description:
- [380] leaves ; 30 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [after 17 August 1488]
- Physical Description:
- [267] leaves : illustrations ; 34 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- In deme iare na Cristi gebort. Dusent vierhundert .lxxxxij. vppe den Sesten dach des Mertzen. [March 6, 1492]
- Physical Description:
- [568] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 32 cm (Folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
16. [Bible].
- Date:
- [14 Nov. 1489]
- Physical Description:
- [1224] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) 27 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [27 May 1495]
- Physical Description:
- [4], CCLXXIIII, [1] leaves : illustrated (woodcuts) ; 29 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [after 6 April 1490]
- Physical Description:
- [6], XC, [2] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 30 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [Oct. 26, 1474]
- Physical Description:
- [408] leaves ; 49 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- .M. CCCC. LXVIIII. [Before 18 September 1469]
- Physical Description:
- [712] pages ; 42 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
21. [De re militari]
- Date:
- An. M. CCCCLXXII [1472]
- Physical Description:
- [524] p. : illustrated (woodcuts) ; 35 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [July 1488-Feb. 1489]
- Physical Description:
- 2 v. (270, the last leaf blank; 310 leaves, leaf 274 blank) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 42 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
23. Biblia.
- Date:
- [2 May 1485]
- Physical Description:
- 2 volumes : woodcuts: illustrations ; 30 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [17 October 1473]
- Physical Description:
- [62] pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Del M.CCCC.LXXXXVII. adi .XI. Octubrio. [11 Oct. 1497]
- Physical Description:
- [12], III-CCXCVII, [1] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 32 cm (Folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1492]
- Physical Description:
- [10] leaves : illustrations ; 15 cm (8vo)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1493
- Physical Description:
- [248] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 16 cm (8vo)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
28. Hye nach volget ein schoene matery von den syben todsünden und von den syben tugenden darwider.
- Date:
- [1482]
- Physical Description:
- [60] pages : illustrations ; (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
29. Orationes.
- Date:
- [approximately 1495]
- Physical Description:
- 10 unnumbered leaves : illustrations ; 14 cm (8vo)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1473 or 1474]
- Physical Description:
- [704] pages ; 26 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [between 1458 and 1461]
- Physical Description:
- 1 painting ; sheet 50 x 53 mm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
32. Decretum.
- Date:
- [1477]
- Physical Description:
- 822 pages ; 45 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno a natiuitate currente dominica Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimo kale[n]das vero iulias quarto [28 June 1470]
- Physical Description:
- [404] p. ; 39 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [15 Oct. 1495]
- Physical Description:
- 40 leaves : ill. (woodcuts) ; 30 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- M.CCCC.LXXVII [1477]
- Physical Description:
- 2 volumes ([264], [424] pages) ; 29 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
36. Libro di Frate Hieronymo da Ferrara della semplicita della vita christiana / tradocto in volgare.
- Date:
- adi ultimo doctobre MCCCCLXXXXVI [1496 October 31]
- Physical Description:
- [120] pages ; 21 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [18 July 1481]
- Physical Description:
- 92 unnumbered leaves (the last blank, wanting) : 121 illustrations ; 28 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [19 November 1494]
- Physical Description:
- [984] pages : illustrations ; 38 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [11 Feb. 1493]
- Physical Description:
- [382] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 33 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
40. [Digestum novum]
- Date:
- [approximately 1478]
- Physical Description:
- [820] pages ; 42 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [y] se acabro de imprimir a dos dias del mes de Iulio. de .Mccccxcj. años. [2 July 1491]
- Physical Description:
- 2 volumes ; 33 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- a[n]no del señor de mil [e] quatro çientos [e] nouenta quatro a diez [e] ocho del mes de setie[m]bre. [18 September 1494]
- Physical Description:
- [320] leaves : illustrations ; 32 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 18 September 1496
- Physical Description:
- CCCxxii [that is, 317], [15] leaves : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 29 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1473
- Physical Description:
- [32] leaves : woodcuts ; 28 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [ca. 1476?]
- Physical Description:
- [4] leaves : illustrations ; 29 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- anno D[omi]ni M.cccc.lxxxiii. xiii.februarii [13 Feb. 1483]
- Physical Description:
- 254 leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 29 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [not before 1497]
- Physical Description:
- 1 volume
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1483]
- Physical Description:
- [1], ii-ccxlvii (i.e. ccxlix), [1] leaves : illustrations, coats of arms (woodcuts) ; 30 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1485]
- Physical Description:
- [224] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 26 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1495
- Physical Description:
- [232] leaves : illustrations ; 17 cm (8vo)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1475]
- Physical Description:
- [110] leaves : illustrations ; 27 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- int iaer ous heeren dusent vierhondert ende vierentachtich den neghentienste[n] dach in Iulio [19 July 1484]
- Physical Description:
- [476] p. ; 19 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1489]
- Physical Description:
- 82 unnumbered leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1495]
- Physical Description:
- 79 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 19 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno Domini 1496 die xxviii Septembris
- Physical Description:
- [308] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 33 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1473]
- Physical Description:
- 540 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1477]
- Physical Description:
- 5 volumes : illustrations ; 42 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
58. Incipit liber Albertus Magni animalium primus q[ui] est de co[m]muni diuersitate a[n]i[m]alium ...
- Date:
- sub anno d[omi]ni millesimo quadringentessimo septuagesimonono: die uero duodecima Ianuarij [12 Jan. 1479]
- Physical Description:
- [612] pages ; 45 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1471-1472
- Physical Description:
- 2 volumes : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 36 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [not after 1498]
- Physical Description:
- [1], CV, [2] leaves : 1 ill. (woodcut) ; 20 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [July 1, 1494]
- Physical Description:
- [144] pages ; 20 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno dominici natalis MCCCCLXX ... [1470]
- Physical Description:
- 2 v. ([604], [672] p.) ; 42 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [ca. 1474-1475]
- Physical Description:
- [24] pages : illustration ; 22 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
64. Noua statuta.
- Date:
- [1500 or 1501]
- Physical Description:
- [602] pages ; 36 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [28 Mar. 1485]
- Physical Description:
- [360] leaves (the last blank) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 25 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- am freitag in her andern vast wochen [7 Mar.], Anno [et] c[etera] In dem siben vn[d] sibenzigisten iar [1477]
- Physical Description:
- [224] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 23 cm. (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [20 Oct. 1494]
- Physical Description:
- [38] leaves : ill. (woodcuts) ; 19 cm. (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
68. [Biblia latina].
- Date:
- [between 22 July 1476 and 21 July 1477]
- Physical Description:
- 2 volumes ([244]; [268] leaves) ; 37 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1481]
- Physical Description:
- [192] pages : illustrations, diagrams (woodcuts) ; 30 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 19 Apr. (an dem nächsten Freitag vor Sant Jörgen Tag) 1482
- Physical Description:
- 108, cxlvi leaves (the first blank) : woodcuts, illus., initials. ; 29 cm. (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1485?]
- Physical Description:
- 1 volume ; (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1497
- Physical Description:
- 306 leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [25 May 1490]
- Physical Description:
- cxxxiii, [5] leaves (leaf [Cxxxiiii] blank) : illustrations ; 28 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [20 Sept. 1474]
- Physical Description:
- 167, 191 leaves ; 300 x 205 mm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno salutis millesimo quadringe[n]tesimo nonagesimo quarto: quinto Idus Iunij. [9 June 1494]
- Physical Description:
- [352] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 21 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1492-1493]
- Physical Description:
- [8], cxlviii [i.e. cxxviii]; cii [i.e. ci], [1] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 31 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
77. [Ars minor]
- Date:
- [not after 1487]
- Physical Description:
- 1 volume ; 30 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1465]
- Physical Description:
- [48] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 38 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [23 July 1479]
- Physical Description:
- [4], cciij, [1] leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimosexto [21 Feb. 1476]
- Physical Description:
- [408] p. ; 29 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1482]
- Physical Description:
- [4], leaves : illustrations ; 31 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 18 Aug. [14]89
- Physical Description:
- [2], iii-cccxii leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 26 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
83. Evangelien.
- Date:
- 30 March 1495
- Physical Description:
- [192] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 28 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1472
- Physical Description:
- [270] leaves ; 30 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [after 8 Nov. 1481]
- Physical Description:
- 1 volume : 2 illustrations (copper engravings) ; 335 mm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [5 June 1484]
- Physical Description:
- [214] leaves : 1 illustration (woodcut) ; 32 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- le dernier iour de septembre. Lan de grace Mil.cccc.iiii.xx. et .ix. [30 September 1489]
- Physical Description:
- 2 volumes ([188], [148] leaves) ; 33 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
88. Comento di Christophforo Landino Fiorentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta Fiorentino.
- Date:
- a di ultimo di Mazo .M. CCCC. LXXXVII. [31 May 1487]
- Physical Description:
- [620] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 35 cm. (Folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1494]
- Physical Description:
- [32] pages : illustrations ; 21 cm (4to.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- am Samstag vor Iudica, als man zalt nach Christi vnnsers Herren Geburt tausent vierhundert vnd sibenundachtzig Iare [31 March 1487]
- Physical Description:
- [496] pages : illustrations ; 31 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1476]
- Physical Description:
- [788] pages ; 41 cm (folio)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [approximately 1480]
- Physical Description:
- [292] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 24 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Av 18, bi-shenat 249 [July 15, 1489]
- Physical Description:
- [602] p. ; 26-29 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [7 Oct. 1476]
- Physical Description:
- [156] leaves : illustrations ; c 27 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Adi quatro di septembre .M. CCCC. LXXXXIII. [4 September 1493]
- Physical Description:
- [90] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 28 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno Nonis Januarijs
- Physical Description:
- 68 unnumbered leaves : 61 illustrations (woodcuts) ; 22 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- anno salutis no[str][ae] millesimo quadringentesimononagesimoseptimo kalendis Martiis [1 March 1497]
- Physical Description:
- CXXXXV, [3] leaves : 117 illustrations ; 22 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- Anno d[omi]ni .M. CCCC. XCiiij. [1494]
- Physical Description:
- cix leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; folio
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- 1476
- Physical Description:
- 32 unnumbered leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 26 cm (4to)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Date:
- [1497]
- Physical Description:
- 3 volumes : illustrations ; 32 cm (fol.)
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts