Josephus, Flavius, Iosephi historiog[ra]phi viri clarissimi prologus in libros antiquitatum vigi[n]ti incipit feliciter, Anno a natiuitate currente dominica Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimo kale[n]das vero iulias quarto [28 June 1470]
- Title(s):
- Iosephi historiog[ra]phi viri clarissimi prologus in libros antiquitatum vigi[n]ti incipit feliciter.
- Additional Title(s):
- Antiquitates Judaicae. Latin
- Published/Created:
- [Augsburg, Germany] : Per Iohannem Schüssler ciuem Austensem ..., Anno a natiuitate currente dominica Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimo kale[n]das vero iulias quarto [28 June 1470]
- Physical Description:
- [404] p. ; 39 cm (fol.)
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsLeaf Collection no. 0037Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection[Request]
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- Title from incipit, leaf [1]2.
Imprint from colophon.
Translated by Rufinius of Aquileia.
Signatures: [1-3]¹² [4-16]¹⁰ [17]⁸ [18-19]¹⁰ [20]⁸ ([1]1 blank).
Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, J-481
Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 9451*
Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 9451*
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, M15160
Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, volume 2, page 327-328 (lC. 5612)
Incunabula Short Title Catalogue, ij00481000
Printed in two columns. Capital spaces.
Issued with: Iosephi de bello iudaico prologus in libros septem incipit feliciter. Augsburg : Johann Schüssler, 23 August 1470.
BAC Leaf Collection no. 0037: Imperfect: comprises leaf 210 only. With small initials and paragraph marks added in red. From a collection of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century printed leaves compiled by Frederick Werther, with his enumeration stamped in ink.
DIV DS116 .J74165 1470: Imperfect: 4 leaves, pages 24, 25, 28 and 48. From the collection of Elinor Eisemann, - Subject Terms:
- Eisemann, Elinor, -- Ownership.Incunabula in Yale Library.Jews -- Antiquities -- Early works to 1800.Jews -- History -- To 70 A.D.Werther, Frederick, 1881– -- Ownership.
- Form/Genre:
- Incunabula.
Fragments (object portions) - Export: