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 The journal of design and manufactures ...
The journal of design and manufactures ..
Cox, Nicholas, fl. 1673-1721. The gentleman's recreation :
Cox, Nicholas, fl. 1673–1721
The gentleman's recreation
Meteren, Emmanuel van, 1535-1612. Emanuels van Meteren historie der Neder-landscher ende haerder na-buren oorlogen ende geschiedenissen, tot den iare M.VI.c XII :
Meteren, Emmanuel van, 1535–1612
Emanuels van Meteren historie der Neder-landscher ende haerder na-buren oorlogen ende geschiedenissen, tot den iare M.VI.c XII
Þormóður Torfason, 1636-1719. Gronlandia antiqva :
Þormóður Torfason, 1636–1719
Gronlandia antiqva
Norden, John, 1548-1625? Speculi Britaniæ pars :
Norden, John, 1548–1625?
Speculi Britaniæ pars
Stumpf, Johannes, 1500-1576? Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschaft Stetten, Landen und Völckern chronicwürdiger Thaaten beschreibung :
Stumpf, Johannes, 1500–1576?
Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschaft Stetten, Landen und Völckern chronicwürdiger Thaaten beschreibung
Ball, Isaac, author. An analytical view of the animal economy :
Ball, Isaac
An analytical view of the animal economy
Bert, Edmund. An approued treatise of hawkes and hawking :
Bert, Edmund
An approued treatise of hawkes and hawking
Mandeville, John, Sir. Das Buch des Ritters Herr Hannsen von Montevilla ...
Mandeville, John, Sir
Das Buch des Ritters Herr Hannsen von Montevilla ..
[18 July 1481]
 De Biblie /
De Biblie
[19 November 1494]
De Grey, Thomas. The compleat horseman and expert ferrier :
De Grey, Thomas
The compleat horseman and expert ferrier
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.  [Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive, Lombardica historia /
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229–1298
[Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive, Lombardica historia
[after 20 Nov. 1483]
Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429.  Inuentariũ eorum que in operibus Gersonis continentur.
Gerson, Jean, 1363–1429
Inuentariũ eorum que in operibus Gersonis continentur
 Striking likenesses, handsomely framed, only 1s. each, taken at 114, Strand, opposite Exeter 'Change.
Striking likenesses, handsomely framed, only 1s. each, taken at 114, Strand, opposite Exeter 'Change
[approximately 1820?]
Bullock, William, b. 1617? Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view :
Bullock, William, b. 1617?
Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view
Molitor, Ulrich, active 1470-1501. De lamiis et phitonicis mulieribus.
Molitor, Ulrich, active 1470–1501
De lamiis et phitonicis mulieribus
[approximately 1500]
 The principall navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres :
The principall navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres
Sachs, Hans, 1494-1576. Das vntrew Spiel :
Sachs, Hans, 1494–1576
Das vntrew Spiel
[ca. 1553]
Rolevinck, Werner, 1425-1502.  Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens.
Rolevinck, Werner, 1425–1502
Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens
[between 6 April 1490 and 1494]
Catholic Church. Jncipit missale s[ecundu]m chor[um] ecclesie brixinens[is].
Catholic Church
Jncipit missale s[ecundu]m chor[um] ecclesie brixinens[is]
17 August 1493
Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. Pia desideria.
Hugo, Herman, 1588–1629
Pia desideria
 Spiegel menschlicher behaltnuss.
Spiegel menschlicher behaltnuss
M. CCCC. LXXVI uf Sant Gilgen obent [31 August 1476]
Haebler, Konrad, 1857-1946. Der deutsche wiegendruck in original-typenbeispielen :
Haebler, Konrad, 1857–1946
Der deutsche wiegendruck in original-typenbeispielen
Abbot, George, 1562-1633. A briefe description of the whole worlde :
Abbot, George, 1562–1633
A briefe description of the whole worlde
Mandeville, John, Sir. Iohannes von Monteuilla, Ritter.
Mandeville, John, Sir
Iohannes von Monteuilla, Ritter
Anno domini. M.CCCC.lxxxiij. [1483]
Boutillier, Jean, -1395 or 1396, author.  Soit co[m]me[n]ce ce liure appelle so[m]me rural /
Boutillier, Jean, -1395 or 1396
Soit co[m]me[n]ce ce liure appelle so[m]me rural
Aelianus, Tacticus, active 2nd century. Aeliani De militaribus ordinibus instituendis more Graecorum /
Aelianus, Tacticus, active 2nd century
Aeliani De militaribus ordinibus instituendis more Graecorum
MDLII [1552]
Ptolemy, active 2nd century. Prima Europa tabula.
Ptolemy, active 2nd century
Prima Europa tabula
England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) His Maiesties commission giuing power to enquire of the decayes of the cathedral church of St. Paul in London, and for repairing of the same.
England and Wales. Sovereign (1625–1649 : Charles I)
His Maiesties commission giuing power to enquire of the decayes of the cathedral church of St. Paul in London, and for repairing of the same
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705. A description of the island of Jamaica :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
A description of the island of Jamaica
Schedel, Hartmann, 1440-1514, author. Das buch Der Croniken vnnd geschichten mit figuren vnd pildnussen von Anbeginn der welt biss auff dise vnsere Zeÿt.
Schedel, Hartmann, 1440–1514
Das buch Der Croniken vnnd geschichten mit figuren vnd pildnussen von Anbeginn der welt biss auff dise vnsere Zeÿt
18 September 1496
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153, author. Sermones Bernardi in Duytssche.
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091–1153
Sermones Bernardi in Duytssche
[27 May 1495]
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, active 13th century. De las propiedades de la cosas.
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, active 13th century
De las propiedades de la cosas
a[n]no del señor de mil [e] quatro çientos [e] nouenta quatro a diez [e] ocho del mes de setie[m]bre. [18 September 1494]
Ellinger, Johann, of Arheiligen. Allmodischer Kleyder Teuffel :
Ellinger, Johann, of Arheiligen
Allmodischer Kleyder Teuffel
Anno 1629
Vegio, Maffeo, 1406 or 1407-1458.  Philalethes veritas.
Vegio, Maffeo, 1406 or 1407–1458
Philalethes veritas
[ca. 1474-1475]
La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de, active 14th century. Der Ritter vom Turn :
La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de, active 14th century
Der Ritter vom Turn
in dem jor nach Christi geburt .M.cccc.xciii. jor gedruckt [1493]
 De imitatione Christi.
De imitatione Christi
[July 1, 1494]
Thucydides. Thoukudidou tou Olorou peri tou Peloponnesiakou polemou biblia okto =
Thoukudidou tou Olorou peri tou Peloponnesiakou polemou biblia okto =
anno MDLXIIII [1564]
Faulkner, Thomas, 1777-1855. The history and antiquities of Brentford, Ealing, & Chiswick :
Faulkner, Thomas, 1777–1855
The history and antiquities of Brentford, Ealing, & Chiswick
Fouilloux, Jacques du, 1521?-1580, author. The noble art of venerie or hunting :
Fouilloux, Jacques du, 1521?-1580
The noble art of venerie or hunting
An. Dom. 1611
 Diss durchleüchtigest Werck [der] ganczen heilige[n] Geschrifft genannt die Bibel ...
Diss durchleüchtigest Werck [der] ganczen heilige[n] Geschrifft genannt die Bibel ..
[3 January 1480]
Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397.  Auctor operum sequentium.
Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397
Auctor operum sequentium
anno salutiferi virginalis partus nonagesimosecundo supra millesimum quaterque centesimum [1492]
Catholic Church. [Missale Frisingense].
Catholic Church
[Missale Frisingense]
anno D[omi]ni MCCCCXCII, kalend[o] vero Aprilis XVI [16 April (i.e. 17 March) 1492]
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.  Ein schone newe Histori der hochen Lieb des kuniglichen Fursten Florio, unnd von seyner lieben Bianceffora.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313–1375
Ein schone newe Histori der hochen Lieb des kuniglichen Fursten Florio, unnd von seyner lieben Bianceffora
Macer, Floridus.  De viribus herbarum carmen.
Macer, Floridus
De viribus herbarum carmen
Ames, Joseph, 1689-1759. Typographical antiquities, or, The history of printing in England, Scotland and Ireland :
Ames, Joseph, 1689–1759
Typographical antiquities, or, The history of printing in England, Scotland and Ireland
Neade, William. The double-armed man, by the new inuention :
Neade, William
The double-armed man, by the new inuention
Palladio, Andrea, 1508-1580. I quattro libri dell'architettura di Andrea Palladio :
Palladio, Andrea, 1508–1580
I quattro libri dell'architettura di Andrea Palladio
Bämler, Johann, approximately 1430-1503.  Chronik von allen Kaisern und Königen und Päpsten.
Bämler, Johann, approximately 1430–1503
Chronik von allen Kaisern und Königen und Päpsten
 Versehu[n]g leib sel er vnnd gutt.
Versehu[n]g leib sel er vnnd gutt
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847. The bibliographical decameron, or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography, and bibliography /
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776–1847
The bibliographical decameron, or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography, and bibliography
 The child's alphabet :
The child's alphabet
[ca. 1820?]
 [Vita et Fabulae]
[Vita et Fabulae]
[circa 1476]
Jacobus, de Gruytrode, active 1440-1475.  Lauacrum conscientie.
Jacobus, de Gruytrode, active 1440–1475
Lauacrum conscientie
[not after 1498]
Barker, Robert, 1739-1806. Now exhibiting in the second circle, a view of Edinburgh and the surrounding country :
Barker, Robert, 1739–1806
Now exhibiting in the second circle, a view of Edinburgh and the surrounding country
Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521, author.  Stultifera nauis :
Brant, Sebastian, 1458–1521
Stultifera nauis
anno salutis nostre Mccccxcvij kale[n]dis Iunij [1 June 1497]
Catholic Church. [Missale Romanum]
Catholic Church
[Missale Romanum]
[15 Oct., 1498]
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. Markhams maister-peece :
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637
Markhams maister-peece
Vitruvius Pollio. L. Victruuii Pollionis ad Cesarem Augustum De architectura liber primus.
Vitruvius Pollio
L. Victruuii Pollionis ad Cesarem Augustum De architectura liber primus
1486 or 7]
Cavalca, Domenico, -1342.  Libro molto deuoto & spirituale de fructi della lingua.
Cavalca, Domenico, -1342
Libro molto deuoto & spirituale de fructi della lingua
Adi quatro di septembre .M. CCCC. LXXXXIII. [4 September 1493]
Appianus, of Alexandria, author. [Historia Romana].
Appianus, of Alexandria
[Historia Romana]
 Blank page.
Blank page
 Die Cronica van der hilliger Stat va[n] Coelle[n] :
Die Cronica van der hilliger Stat va[n] Coelle[n]
[23 August 1499]
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, author.  Comento di Christophoro Landino fiorentino sopra La comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta fiorentino.
Dante Alighieri, 1265–1321
Comento di Christophoro Landino fiorentino sopra La comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta fiorentino
del. MCCCCLXXXXI adi iii, Marzo [3 Mar. 1491]
 [Rudime[n]tum nouicioru[m]].
[Rudime[n]tum nouicioru[m]]
[14 Nov. 1489]
Vegetius Renatus, Flavius. Flauij Vegetij Renati, Vier bücher der Ritterschafft :
Vegetius Renatus, Flavius
Flauij Vegetij Renati, Vier bücher der Ritterschafft
Vollendet am xvij.tag Nouembris, Jm[m] Jar M.D.XXXIIII [1534]
 Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde or thymage of the same.
Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde or thymage of the same
 La mer des hystoires.
La mer des hystoires
[July 1488-Feb. 1489]
Matal, Jean, 1520-1597, author. Europa tabulis aeneis 166 secundum rationes geographicas delineata :
Matal, Jean, 1520–1597
Europa tabulis aeneis 166 secundum rationes geographicas delineata
anno domini MDC [1600]
 Das büch sagt vo[n] Herczog Ernsten. :
Das büch sagt vo[n] Herczog Ernsten.
[approximately 1485]
Richental, Ulrich von, approximately 1365-1437? author. Concilium zu Constencz.
Richental, Ulrich von, approximately 1365–1437?
Concilium zu Constencz
Smith, Joseph, 1674-1770. Bibliotheca Smithiana, seu, Catalogus librorum D. Josephi Smithii Angli :
Smith, Joseph, 1674–1770
Bibliotheca Smithiana, seu, Catalogus librorum D. Josephi Smithii Angli
MDCCLV [1755]
Camden, William, 1551-1623. Britannia, sive, Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descripto :
Camden, William, 1551–1623
Britannia, sive, Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descripto
Meder, Johannes, -1518, author.  Quadragesimale nouum editu[m] ac predicatu[m] a quoda[m] fratre minore de obseruantia in inclita ciuitate Basilien[sis]. de filio prodigo [et] de angeli ip[s]ius ammonit[i]one salubri p[er] sermones diuisu[m].
Meder, Johannes, -1518
Quadragesimale nouum editu[m] ac predicatu[m] a quoda[m] fratre minore de obseruantia in inclita ciuitate Basilien[sis]. de filio prodigo [et] de angeli ip[s]ius ammonit[i]one salubri p[er] sermones diuisu[m]
Poole, William, farrier. The countrey farrier :
Poole, William, farrier
The countrey farrier
Maggi, Girolamo, -1572, author. Della fortificatione delle citta /
Maggi, Girolamo, -1572
Della fortificatione delle citta
Ketham, Joannes de, active 15th century.  Fasciculus medicine :
Ketham, Joannes de, active 15th century
Fasciculus medicine
[15 Oct. 1495]
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298, author. The golden legend.
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229–1298
The golden legend
and finished on the 12th day of September in the year 1892
Virgil, author. Here fynyssheth the boke yf [sic] Eneydos /
Here fynyssheth the boke yf [sic] Eneydos
[not before 23 June 1490]
Burton, William, 1575-1645. The description of Leicester Shire :
Burton, William, 1575–1645
The description of Leicester Shire
 Chronecken der Sassen.
Chronecken der Sassen
In deme iare na Cristi gebort. Dusent vierhundert .lxxxxij. vppe den Sesten dach des Mertzen. [March 6, 1492]
Ptolemy, active 2nd century. [World map]
Ptolemy, active 2nd century
[World map]
Ecclesiological Society. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely /
Ecclesiological Society
Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.  [Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia]
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229–1298
[Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia]
an sant Iacobs abēt [24 July],
 [Armorial bookplate of Hilprand Brandenburg]
[Armorial bookplate of Hilprand Brandenburg]
[between 1465 and 1485?]
Barbieri, Filippo de', 1426-1487. Discordantiae sanctorum doctorum Hieronymi et Augustini.
Barbieri, Filippo de', 1426–1487
Discordantiae sanctorum doctorum Hieronymi et Augustini
[1 Dec. 1481]
 [Digestum novum]
[Digestum novum]
[approximately 1478]
 [Die Neue Ehe und das Passional von Jesu]
[Die Neue Ehe und das Passional von Jesu]
[7 Oct. 1476]
Livy. [Historiae Romanae decades]
[Historiae Romanae decades]
[11 Feb. 1493]
Thevet, André, 1502-1590. La cosmographie vniverselle /
Thevet, André, 1502–1590
La cosmographie vniverselle
Barker, Henry Aston, 1774-1856. Explanation of the Battle of Waterloo /
Barker, Henry Aston, 1774–1856
Explanation of the Battle of Waterloo
Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. Tuba stentoro-phonica :
Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625–1695
Tuba stentoro-phonica
Berthold, der Deutsche, -approximately 1350.  Zeitglöcklein des lebens und leidens Christi.
Berthold, der Deutsche, -approximately 1350
Zeitglöcklein des lebens und leidens Christi
Colonne, Guido delle, active 13th century, author. [Hie hebt sich an ein schöne Hÿstori wie Troÿa die kostliche Stat erstöret ward]
Colonne, Guido delle, active 13th century
[Hie hebt sich an ein schöne Hÿstori wie Troÿa die kostliche Stat erstöret ward]
[not before 24 April 1474]
Otto, von Passau, active 1386.  Disz büch ist genant die vier vnd tzwenzig Alten oder der guldin tron.
Otto, von Passau, active 1386
Disz büch ist genant die vier vnd tzwenzig Alten oder der guldin tron
[1477 or 1478?]
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321.  Danthe Alighieri Fiorentino.
Dante Alighieri, 1265–1321
Danthe Alighieri Fiorentino
Del M.CCCC.LXXXXVII. adi .XI. Octubrio. [11 Oct. 1497]
Theti, Carlo, 1529-1589. Discorsi delle fortificationi /
Theti, Carlo, 1529–1589
Discorsi delle fortificationi
MDLXXV [1575]
 Coniuratio maligno[rum] spirituũ in corporib[us] hominum existentium prout in sancto Petro.
Coniuratio maligno[rum] spirituũ in corporib[us] hominum existentium prout in sancto Petro
[approximately 1492]
 Hye nach volget ein schoene matery von den syben todsünden und von den syben tugenden darwider.
Hye nach volget ein schoene matery von den syben todsünden und von den syben tugenden darwider