Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde or thymage of the same, 1481]
- Title(s):
- Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde or thymage of the same.
- Additional Title(s):
Myrrour of the worlde or thymage of the same.
Mirrour of the worlde
Image du monde. English (Middle English)- Published/Created:
- [Westminster, William Caxton, 1481]
- Physical Description:
- [100] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. (fol.)
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsPQ1486 .I5 1481+ OversizeYale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection[Request]
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/739399
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- An encyclopedia of astronomy, geography, cosmology, zoology, and other sciences.
A translation of a prose version of: Image du monde.
First illustrated book printed in England.
Title from caption title, a6r.
Leaf [a2 recto] begins: Here begynneth the table of the rubrices of this presente volume named the mirrour of the world or thymage of the same ...
Sometimes attributed to Gossuin of Metz; misattributed to Vincent of Beauvais.
Translated by William Caxton, whose name appears on a4v. The dates of translation are given on n4r as 2 January-7 March 1480.
Imprint from Needham.
Signatures: a-m⁸ n⁴ (a1 blank).
Initials and paragraph-marks supplied in red ink.
Selected exhibitions: "Paul Mellon's Legacy: A Passion for British Art" (Yale Center for British Art, 18 April-29 July, 2007).
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.), 24762
English short title catalogue, S108124
Duff, E.G. Fifteenth century English books, 401
Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, M-883
Grolier Club. Fifty-five books printed before 1525 (1968), 5
Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 11656
Hodnett, E. English woodcuts 1480-1535, 1-11
Needham, P. Printer & the pardoner, Cx 46
Paul Mellon's legacy, p. 306
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 1025
Proctor, R. Index to the early printed books in the British Museum, 9638
Selected exhibitions: "Fifty-five Books Printed before 1525: Representing the Works of England's First Printers, an Exhibition from the Collection of Paul Mellon" (Grolier Club, 17 January-3 March 1968).
BAC: British Art Center copy is the one described in the Grolier Club catalogue. Imperfect: lacks the initial blank leaf & the last 3 leaves (which are supplied in colotype facsimile). Leaf a2 is inlaid to size; leaf a3 is remargined at the inner margin. Bound in 18th century calf, with gilt edges and marbled endpapers. Inscribed: This book, bound by R. [i.e. Roger] Payne, was bought by John Paget, of Payne for L10 in 1792; John Paget, Newberry, 1792. Has armorial bookplate of John Moore Paget. Also previously owned by Arthur Paget and Sir Richard Paget. - Subject Terms:
- Encyclopedias and dictionaries -- Early works to 1800.Geography -- Early works to 1800.Illustration of books -- 15th century -- Great Britain.Incunabula in Yale Library.Paget, Arthur, Sir, 1777–1840 -- Provenance.Paget, John Moore, b. 1791 -- Autograph.Paget, Richard, Sir, 1869–19 -- Bookplate, 1792.Payne, Roger -- Bookbinder.
- Form/Genre:
- Woodcuts.
- Export:
Paul Mellon's Legacy : A Passion for British Art (Yale Center for British Art, 2007-04-18 - 2007-07-29) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
If you have information about this object that may be of assistance please contact us.