Here begynneth a shorte & a breue table on these Cronycles ..
and newely in the ye[a]r of Our Lord God 1497 ..
Great Britain
Abbreuiamentum statuto[rum]
9 Oct. 1499
[The cronycles of Englond]
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
Grete thankynges, lawde, & honoure we merytoryously ben bounde to yelde and offre vnto wryters of hystoryes, whiche gretely haue prouffyted oure mortal lyf, that shewe vnto the reders and herers by the ensamples of thynges passyd, what thynge is to be desyred
[after 2 July, 1482]
[Chronicles of England with the Fruit of times]
[1485 or 1486]
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
ended the thyrtenth daye of Apryll the tenth yere of the regne of kyng Harry the seuenth. And of the incarnacyon of our lord: MCCCC lxxxxv [13 April 1495]