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[Chronicles of England with the Fruit of times].
Additional Title(s):

Incipit, leaf [2] recto: Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabult on thes Cronicles

Explicit: Here ende the Croniclis of Englo[n]de with the Fruite of timis

Chronicles of England.
Sanctus Albanus : [Schoolmaster printer], [1485 or 1486]
Physical Description:
[580] pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 30 cm (folio)
Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Title devised by cataloger.
Prologue, leaf [10], begins: [I]n so myche that it is necessari to all creaturis of Criston religyon, or of fals religyon, os Ge[n]tyles and Machomytes, to knaw theer prince or prynces that regne a pon them, and theem to obey.
Place of publication from colophon.
Printer and date of printing from Incunabula short title catalogue and Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum.
Prologue states that the work was compiled in the year 1483 and translated from Latin to English.
"The St Albans Chronicles is partly based on Caxton's Chronicle of England ... augmented with a preliminary text, a section on world history with the title 'Fructus temporum,' which is derived from Werner Rolewinck's Fasciculus temporum ..."--Hellinga, Lotte. Texts in transit (2014), page 397.
Signatures: pi⁸ a-z⁸ [et]⁸ [con]⁸ A-I⁸ K¹⁰.
Table printed in 2 columns; 32 lines; type 2B: 122(124)B; red printed initials, set 1; 1-line lombards set 2; red printed paragraph marks; printer's device in red at end.
In the first quire the second-fourth leaves are foliated a, b, c.
Leaves [1], [9], and [290] blank.
"... And heer be rehersit the namys of the autors of whom thees cronyclys ben translatte moost naamly. Galfridus Munmoth monke in hys book of Brute, Saynt Beed i[n] the actys of Englond, it[e]m Beed in hys book of tymys, Gyldas in the actys of Bretan, Wylliam Malmisbery monke in the actis of kyngys of Englond [and] bisshoppys, Cassiderus of the actys of emp[er]ours and bisshoppys, Saynt Austyn de ciuitate dei, Gytus Lyuyus de gestis Romanorum, Martyn Penyte[n]ciary to he pope in his cwnyclys of emp[er]ours [and] bysshoppys, and namly Theobaldus Cartusiencis contenyng in hys boke the progresse off all notabult fadyres from the begynyng off the worlde vn to oure tyme wyth the notabult actys of the saem ..."--Leaf [10].
Incunabula short title catalogue, ic00479000
Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 4997
Proctor, R. Index to the early printed books in the British Museum, 9827
Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, XI, page 303
Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, C479
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 06672
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.), 9995
Duff, E.G. Fifteenth century English books, 101
Grolier Club. Fifty-five books printed before 1525 (1968), 53
Selected exhibitions: "Fifty-five Books Printed before 1525: Representing the Works of England's First Printers, an Exhibition from the Collection of Paul Mellon" (Grolier Club, 17 January-3 March 1968).
BAC: British Art Center copy 1 is imperfect: lacks the first 10 leaves (except the 4th), leaf I8, and the last three leaves. The missing leaves (except the initial and final blanks) are supplied in collotype facsimile. Bound in 19th-century morocco, with gilt edges, by F. Bedford. "At front is the bookplate of Sir Thomas Brooke (1830-1908) of Armitage Bridge House, Huddersfield. Sold at the sale of his library at Sotheby (26 May 1921). From Sir Arthur Howard."--Grolier Club.
BAC: British Art Center copy 2 comprises only leaf K9, printed on vellum, with the woodcut device of the Schoolmaster Printer (in red ink).
Subject Terms:
Brooke, John Arthur, 1844–1920 -- Provenance.
Brooke, Thomas, 1830–1908 -- Bookplate.
Great Britain -- History -- To 1485.
Great Britain -- Kings and rulers -- Early works to 1800.
Incunabula in Yale Library.
Papacy -- History.
Bedford, Francis, 1799–1883, binder.
Rolevinck, Werner, 1425–1502. Fasciculus temporum.
Schoolmaster Printer, active 1479–1486, printer.

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