Sub anno d[omi]ni Millesimo quadrigentesimoseptuagesimo sexto feria sexta ante Martini ep[isco]pi [8 November 1476]
Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264
Incipit prologus Fratris Vincēncij [sic] de burgundia ordinis predicatorum in libru[m] qui dicitur Speculum hystoriale
M.cccc.lxxiiij. [1474]
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
Grete thankynges, lawde, & honoure we merytoryously ben bounde to yelde and offre vnto wryters of hystoryes, whiche gretely haue prouffyted oure mortal lyf, that shewe vnto the reders and herers by the ensamples of thynges passyd, what thynge is to be desyred
[after 2 July, 1482]
Schedel, Hartmann, 1440–1514
Register des Buchs der Croniken vnd Geschichten
Volbracht a[m]m. xxiij. Tag des Monats Decembris nach der Gepurt Cristi vnssers Haylands M.cccc.xciij. [1493] Iar
Schedel, Hartmann, 1440–1514
Registrum huius operis libri cronicarum cu[m] figuris et ÿmagi[ni]bus ab inicio mu[n]di
duodecima mensis Iulij anno salutis n[ost]r[a]e. 1493
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
ended the thyrtenth daye of Apryll the tenth yere of the regne of kyng Harry the seuenth. And of the incarnacyon of our lord: MCCCC lxxxxv [13 April 1495]