A catalogue of a small but well-chosen collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the genuine, capital, and valuable collection of select and beautiful cabinet pictures, the undoubted works of the most celebrated esteemed Dutch and Flemish Masters
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of a most valuable collection of pictures, of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, & English schools
Squibb, Mr.
A catalogue of the highly valuable and genuine collection of paintings
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of the third and last portion of the extensive and highly valuable collection of pictures of the Italian and Spanish schools
Robins, Messrs
A catalogue of the valuable Egyptian, Turkish, and Grecian exhibition of original drawings which will be submitted to public auction, by Messrs. Robins, on the premises, at no. 17, Old Bond-Street, on Saturday, the 20th of June, 1801, at twelve o'clock : may be publickly viewed six days prior to the sale, and descriptive catalogues had at sixpence each, to be returned to purchasers, on the primise, and of Messrs. Robins, Covent Garden
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of highly interesting antique statues, bustos, and other marbles, and capital Italian pictures, collected at Rome
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the remaining pictures and unfinished sketches of Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., deceased
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the valuable and choice collection of Italian, French, Flemish, & Dutch pictures, capital drawings, and some fine prints, cameos and intaglios, of the late John Davenport, Esq., dec.
Farebrother, Charles
A catalogue of a highly valuable collection of eighty superb bronzes ... exquisite carvings in ivory and wood ... beautiful and matchless Sève and Dresden China ... pictures
Coxe, Peter, -1844
The catalogue of a valuable selection of original paintings by that esteemed English artist, George Morland
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue of the genuine collection of valuable paintings, the productions of the most celebrated Masters
Christie, James, 1773–1831
Catalogue raisonńe de la collection de feu Monsieur Welbore Ellis Agar : dont la vente se fera par J. Christie en sa grands salle dans Pall Mall à Londres, le vendredi 2 Mai, 1806, et jour suivant
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the first part of the very valuable and extensive collection of engravings, in the portfolio of Sir Thomas Lawrence, late President of the Royal Academy, deceased
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the collection of pictures, copied by a chemical and mechanical process by the Polygraphic Society, from original pictures of the following esteemed masters, viz.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a most capital and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the truly capital, valuable, & well-chosen collection of Italian, French, Flemish, & Dutch pictures
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the large and capital collection of pictures
[London] :
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a truly superb and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, of the first class, and in the highest state of preservation
Peter Coxe & Co.
The catalogue of a very splendid collection of cabinet pictures of the Dutch and Flemish schools
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of modern drawings
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the capital set of highly finished original drawings, in water colors, which have furnished the plates for that admired work entitled View of the city of Dublin, by the late ingenious and scientific artist, James Malton, Esq. deceased, together with the copper plates, impressions and letter press of that and his other popular works, viz. on cottage architecture, ornamental villas, the painter's maulstick, Stonehenge, and others on geometry and perspective
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a genuine, superb and truly valuable assemblage of vases, marbles, and other objects of virtù
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a pleasing collection of drawing, by the most celebrated modern Masters
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a capital and most precious assemblage of superlatively fine Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, consigned within a few weeks past from the Continent
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue of all the remaining property hitherto unoffered for sale, belonging to that very ingenious and celebrated artist, Guy Head, Esq. Deceased
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a very valuable and interesting collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Langford, Mr. (Abraham), 1711–1774
A catalogue of a genuine and capital collection of Roman earthen ware in dishes, plates, ewers, &c.
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the reserved part of the most magnificent and valuable collection of Italian, Roman, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures ever imported into England : selected from the first Cabinets in Europe, at a very liberal expence
Coxe, Peter, -1844
The catalogue of a small but superb selection of important paintings of the very first distinction and quality
George Jones & Co.
Catalogue of a grand selection of genuine cabinet & gallery pictures, of a superior description embracing many fine productions from the collections of the Duke D'Alberg, Count Walmoden, and others
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
A catalogue of the valuable collection of copper-plates with impressions
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a small but valuable collection of Italian, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the first part of the valuable collection of original drawings, by distinguished modern artists
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a small but valuable assemblage of chiefly Italian pictures
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of a magnificent, truly superb, and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Greenwood (Leicester-Square, London, England)
A catalogue of the most extensive and magnificent collection of stained glass
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
The catalogue of the very valuable museum, of that intelligent and well-known collector, the late William Smith, Esq. of Boston, in Lincolnshire
White, John, active 1785–1816
A catalogue of the superb, most valuable and distinguished collection of Italian, Venetian, Flemish and Dutch pictures, antique marbles & bronzes, well known and celebrated throughout Europe
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the valuable collection of paintings, by ancient and modern masters, of Sir Thomas Lawrence, late President of the Royal Society, deceased
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish & Dutch pictures, a few drawings and prints, framed and glazed : the property of a Gentleman, deceased : brought from his seat in the country : comprising the works of P. Veronese, Tintoretto, Giorgione, Bassan, Caracci, Dominichino, Albano, Guercino, C. Maratti, Rubens, Vandyck, De Vox, Teniers, Vanderneer, Zucherelli, Wilson : also, two capital landscapes, by that esteemed Master, Casanova : which will be sold by Mr. Christie, at the Great Room, Pall Mall, on Friday, April 26, 1805, and following day, at twelve o'clock
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a valuable selection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the entire collection of capital pictures
Catalogue of stained glass
[approximately 1800]
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a valuable and interesting collection of high-finished modern pictures and drawings, framed and glazed
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of all the truly elegant household furniture, silver-gilt and silver plate
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital and valuable books of genuine sketches, studies, and designs from nature, books of prints, architecture, musical instruments, and two laymen, of the late celebrated artist, Thos. Gainsborogh, Esq. Decd.
Squibb, Mr., 1764–1831
A catalogue of the valuable and pleasing collection of Cabinet Pictures, the genuine property of Mr. Holcroft
Coxe, Peter, -1844
The catalogue of a most interesting and important selection of valuable paintings
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a very extensive collection of chiefly genuine Spanish pictures
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the very extensive and valuable oriental museum, comprising mss., sculptures, bronzes, articles of female dress and ornament, weapons, and natural history, which was formed at great expense by the late General Charles Stuart, of Bengal; ... which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie ... on Friday, June the 11th, and following day, and on Monday, June the 14th, 1830, and following day, at one o'clock precisely : may be viewed two days preceding, and catalogues had at Mr. Christie's offices, King Street, St. James's Square
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of all the Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, and valuable museum of rare and scarce articles of antique, the property of Gustavus Brander, Esq. deceased
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the valuable and extensive collection of loose prints & etchings, by old Masters : being the entire collection (the Artist's Prints only excepted) of the late John Hoppner, Esq. R.A. Deceased : together with the Mahogany and other presses which contained them : also a valuable assemblage of about seventy original chalk drawings and landscapes, by that distinguished artist, and a few framed and glazed, by Gainsborough, J. Smith, and Daniell : and about twenty capital pictures, viz : the original portrait of Sir Theo. Mayern, by Rubens, from the Lansdown Collection : and others by Titian, Giorgeone, Tintoretto, P. Veronese, V. Dyck, F. Hals, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Wilson : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Friday the 18th of May, 1810, and following day, punctually at one o'clock
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
A catalogue of the wholesale stock of copper-plates and dupicate impressions of Mr. John Manson
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the genuine and capital collection of pictures
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
The catalogue of all that well-known valuable collection of capital paintings, the property of the late most noble the Marquis of Lansdowne, which have long been considered as one of the great ornaments of Lansdowne House
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a small and elegant collection of pleasing cabinet pictures, chiefly of the Dutch School
Mess. Langford (Firm)
A catalogue of that capital collection of pictures, of Edward Ravenell, Esq., deceased
Christie, Sharp and Harper, e publisher
A catalogue of a capital assemblage of high-finished drawings, and some few pictures by eminent modern artists
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of a very fine collection of portraits of illustrious and celebrated characters : the entire property of a gentleman, who during the last twenty-five years, has at a vast expense, formed this interesting assemblage ; including Queen Elizabeth, Charles I, Charles II. and consort, James II. The Pretender and consort, Queen Anne, Queen Mary, George III. and consort, Oliver Cromwell, Sir P. Sidney, Earl of Southampton, General Lord Pulteney, Lord Hawke, Admiral Keppell, John Hunter, R.B. Sheridan Worlidge, Mrs. Yates, Suet the comedian, &c. from the pencils of Titian, Parmegiano, Giorgione, Cuyp, Sir A. More, Zucchero, J. Oliver, Dobson, Alonza Cano, G. Honthorst, Walker, Sir P. Lely, Zoffany, Romney, D. Mytens, Jarvis, Sir J. Reynolds, Hopner, Gainsborough, Sir G. Kneller, Cosway, Ramsay, Opie, Vandyke, &c. : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Edward Foster, at his Gallery, 54, Pall kMall, on Thursday, the 30th day of June, 1831, at twelve o'clock : may be viewed, and catalogues had at Mr. Foster's Offices, 54, Pall Mall, and 14, Greek Street, Soho Square
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of a genuine collection, composed principally of Flemish, Dutch, and German paintings
A catalogue of the superlatively fine collection of pictures, late the property of the Right Reverend Dr. Newton, Lord Bishop of Bristol, dec.
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a very interesting and valuable collection of water-colour drawings, by Nash, Shepherd, Whichelo, &c.
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of pictures, among which are many very agreeable and pleasing subjects, by the masters of the different schools
Walsh, Mr
A catalogue of a most elegant and superb collection of pictures
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the reserved collection of statues, busts, vases, urns, sarcophagi, &c. and other select and valuable pieces of antiquity
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital collection of prints and drawings, scarce and valuable, which have been purchased out of the most distinguished cabinets here and on the continent; the drawings stamped on the back by the several judicious collectors, viz. Padre Resto, Sir Peter Lely, Richardson, Pond, Hudson, and John Barnard : among the prints are many fine proofs and first impressions from Rubens, Vandyke, and other celebrated artists : engraved by Vosterman, Pontius, Sontman, Fisher, Edelinck, Hollar, Mason, Balechou, and other noted engravers : among the drawings is that celebrated one by Thomyris by Rubens, from the Cabinet of Mons. de Mariette--The Mistress instructing her pupil by Cipriani, from the collection of Mr. Locke, with many other capital and well-known works of esteemed masters : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, King Street, St. James's Square, on Wednesday, May 11th, 1791, and following day, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed two days preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had in Pall Mall
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of the reserved portion of the well-known collection of Dutch and Flemish pictues
White, John, active 1785–1816
A catalogue of the renowned and valuable collection of Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the collection of pictures and drawings framed and glazed, and studies from nature by Mr. George Barrett, of Orchard Street, Portman Square
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of part of the reserved collection of pictures late the property of Dominick Serres, Esq. R.A. deceased
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a genuine, capital and highly valuable collection of pictures, being the greater part of the well-known collection of the Novellara, a ducal villa in the neighborhood of Modena, and purchased from the French during the late troubles in Italy
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the contents of the very valuable copy of Granger's Biographical history of England, illustrated with upwards of 3300 portraits
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital, genuine, and valuable collection of pictures, late the property of that eminently distinguished artist Sir Joshua Reynolds, Late President of the Royal Academy, decd : comprising the undoubted works of the greatest masters of the Roman, Florentine, Bolognese, Venetian, French, Flemish, and Dutch schools, in the most perfect state of preservation : the whole of which will be sold by auction (by order of the executors) by Mr. Christie, on Wednesday 11th, and Thursday 12th of March, 1795, at his Rooms (late the Royal Academy) Pall Mall : and on Friday 13th, and Saturday 14 of March, 1795, at his Great Room (next Cumberland House) Pall Mall
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the well known valuable and truly capital collection of pictures, forming an assemblage of the great and most admired masters of the Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch schools
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a capital, choice and valuable collection of pictures, consisting chiefly of chef d'œuvres of the great Italian school
Paterson, Samuel, 1728–1802
A catalogue of a curious collection of the rare old stained, or painted glass
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of a collection of pictures, including many fine specimens of the Dutch, Flemish and Italian schools
Mr. Glover's exhibition of oil and water-colour paintings, at the great rooms, no. 16, Old Bond Street, opposite Stafford Street
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the first part of the extensive and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures of Mr. Jackson, of Chelsea, retiring into the country
Coxe, Peter, -1844
The catalogue of a select and valuable assemblage of capital paintings
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, the property of a Nobleman, brought from his late mansion in Piccadilly :comprising the undoubted works of the following esteemed masters : Julia Romana, Permegiano, Perdononi, Bassan, L. Du Vinci, Langranco, Luca Giordano, Guido, Carlo Marratte, G. Poussin, Le Seure, Stella, Watteau, D. Teniers, Jean Steen, Backhuysem, Van de Velde, Ruysdael, Cup, Vandermeer, Glauber, Vangoyen, &c. &c. : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, March the 7th, 1794, and the following day at twelve o'clock : to be viewed till the sale : catalogues may be had at the Rainbow, and in Pall Mall
[1794] ,
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a most superb collection of capital Italian pictures
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the magnificent collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a valuable collection of undoubted original drawings and pictures, by the most esteemed ancient and modern Masters
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a series of valuable curiosities of the late eminent John Hunter, Esq. deceased
Bryan, Michael, 1757–1821
A catalogue of the Orleans' Italian pictures
Christie, James
A catalogue of an interesting assemblage of original studies, chalk and tinted drawings and a few finished in oils : chiefly wild and domestic animals, deer and subjects relating to the Chace : also a fine copy of he celebrated Windmill by Rembrandt, executed by E. A. Spilsbury, Esq. : together with a few Dutch etchings and prints of animals by Ridinger, Woollett, &c. : this pleasing assemblage is offered to sale merely to lessen the collection of an amateur artist, whose professional studies and knowledge of anatomy have directed him to this line of amusement : it is presumed they will be found well worthy the attention of the public : they will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Wednesday, July the 15th, 1807
Mr. F. Squibb (Firm)
A catalogue of a genuine collection of about fifty capital pictures
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of capital and beautiful cabinet pictures, lately imported from Holland
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of highly finished modern drawings, elegantly framed and glazed
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue raisonnè of all that truly capital and splendid assemblage of valuable gallery and cabinet pictures, the genuine property of Edward Coxe, Esqr.
Oxenham & Son
Catalogue of an exceedingly valuable collection of pictures, the property of a Nobleman
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of Indian idols, Indian paintings, drawings, &c.
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
Prints and drawings, framed and glazed, pictures, cameos and intaglios, etruscan vases, capital basso relievos an marble, &c.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital, and singularly valuable collection of antique marbles, statures, bustos, &c. at the distinguished villa of the late Rt. Hon. Lord Mendip, deceased, at Twickenham, Middlesex
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a collection of prints, etchings, sketches and drawings, loose and framed
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the capital, extensive, and very valuable collection of chiefly Italian pictures, and choice specimens of the illustrious founder of the English school, Sir Joshua Reynolds
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the superb jewels, trinkets, plate, gold and silver medals, china, &c. of a person of great rank, dec.