A catalogue of a genuine, select and highly-valuable collection of capital and high-finished cabinet pictures, chiefly of the Flemish and Dutch schools : the exclusive property of a Gentleman of refine Taste : and purchased by him a a most liberal expence, during a visit to the Continent : comprising exquisite Bijoux of the first class, by the following great and celebrated Masters in the most perfect preservation, viz : Titian, N. Poussin, G. Poussin, Rubens, Teniers, Rembrandt, A. V. Ostade, Berchem, Wouvermans, C. du Jardin, W. V. de Velde, A. V. de Velde, Mieris, Boh, Van Huysum, Backbuysen : V. Toll, Polemberg : particularly the Creation of Eve by L. Caracci, a capital picture of the Master, a chef d'oeuvre : the Village Fete, an inimitable picture, replete with humour, by Jan Steen : a Calm, by W. V. De Velde : an Interior, by Van Toll : Christ and the Woman at the Well, by Rembrandt : the Flight into Egypt, a charming and perfect specimen of Albano : and two capital and high-finished pictures by Fran: and W. Mieris : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at the Great Room, Pall Mall, on Saturday, May the 4th, 1805, at twelve o'clock
Walsh, Mr.
A catalogue of a known capital collection of pictures, in which are the works of the following masters
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a most capital collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Pictures, by the most esteemed Masters, in the highest state of preservation : also a valuable selection of capital high-finished drawings, remarkable fine prints, books of prints and bronzes : small but well-chosen library of books in elegant and uniform bindings : a number of fine casts in plaster from the rarest subjects of the antique : capital models, a great variety of drawing implements : mathematical and musical instruments : a quantity of choice music : also all the elegant household furniture : fine china : a fine-toned piano forte by Longman and Broderip : a modern chaise and harness : and a great variety of curious and valuable effects : the property of John Alexander Gress, Esq. deceased, eminently and most deservedly distinguished for his knowledge in the fine arts, at his late house, No. 24, on the west side of Tottenham Court Road, nearly opposite Tavistock Street, Bedford Square : which will be sold by auction (by order of the executor) by Mr. Christie, on the premises, on Monday, April 7th, 1794, and five following days, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed Frida and Saturday preceding the sale.--catalogues may be had on the premises : at the Rainbow Coffee House : and in Pall Mall : also, at one o'clock, on the first day's sale, will be sold, the valuable lease of the premises--particulars may be had : N.B. the first and second days sale, will consist of prints, books of prints, &c. : third and fourth days, the drawings, drawing implements, models, &c. : fifth day, the capital collection of pictures, and library of books : sixth day, all the houshold furniture, china, musical instruments, &c
Christie, Manson, & Woods
Catalogue of the very choice collection of works of art of Francis Broderip, Esq., deceased
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the small but highly important collection of motion pictures of that well-known amateur, George Young, Esq.
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of Italian, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, of the very highest class
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the very valuable and entire collection of drawings and paintings in oil, of Sir Robert Ainslie, Bart.
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very choice collection of pictures, of the highest class
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a superb assemblage of ornamental Parisian furniture and porcelain
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a valuable assemblage of pictures, sold by order of the assignees of Mr. Michael Bryan
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
Prints and drawings, framed and glazed, pictures, cameos and intaglios, etruscan vases, capital basso relievos an marble, &c.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of highly finished modern drawings, elegantly framed and glazed
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a genuine, superb and truly valuable assemblage of vases, marbles, and other objects of virtù
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital, and singularly valuable collection of antique marbles, statures, bustos, &c. at the distinguished villa of the late Rt. Hon. Lord Mendip, deceased, at Twickenham, Middlesex
Christie and Ansell (London, England)
A catalogue of the much distinguished and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue of all the remaining property hitherto unoffered for sale, belonging to that very ingenious and celebrated artist, Guy Head, Esq. Deceased
Robins, George Henry, 1777–1847
A catalogue of the superb furniture, designed and executed in the first style of elegance and fashion, by one of the principal manufacturers in London
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the very curious and valuable museum
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the remaining part of the valuable collection of engravings, and books of prints, of Christian Josi, Esq. Deceased : comprising select impressions of the works of the great French engravers, : Audran, Edelinck, Drevet, Wille, Beauvarlet, Desnoyers, &c. : painters' etchings in the Italian and Dutch schools : fine proofs and impressions by R. Morghen, &c. &c. : among the books of prints are : the Musée François ... : the Galleries of the Palais Royal and Luxembourg : Van Dyck's portraits, with proofs and variations : the voyages pittoresques de Constantinople et d'Espagne : Denon's Egypt : works on French, and other continental topography : Bartsch, Le Peintre Graveur, L. P. : Brandt's Narren Speelshuit, with original drawings by Merian, &c. &c. : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, King Street, St. James's Square, on Wednesday, January the 20th, 1830, and following day, precisely at one o'clock
Christie, Manson & Woods
The illustrated catalogue of the valuable collection of pictures and other works of art of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and mediaeval periods
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a valuable and interesting collection of high-finished modern pictures and drawings, framed and glazed
Mess. Langford (Firm)
A catalogue of that capital collection of pictures, of Edward Ravenell, Esq., deceased
Rushworth & Jarvis
A descriptive catalogue of the celebrated grand colossal statue of Napoleon Bonaparts, sculptured in carrara marble, by Banti
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of some beautiful sculpture, comprising fine works of Canova, J. Gibson, R.A., Bartolini, Hudon, H. Power, P. Puget, Rauch, B.E. Spence, Thomas, and Thorwaldsen
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the very extensive and valuable oriental museum, comprising mss., sculptures, bronzes, articles of female dress and ornament, weapons, and natural history, which was formed at great expense by the late General Charles Stuart, of Bengal; ... which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie ... on Friday, June the 11th, and following day, and on Monday, June the 14th, 1830, and following day, at one o'clock precisely : may be viewed two days preceding, and catalogues had at Mr. Christie's offices, King Street, St. James's Square
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a superb and capital collection of pictures
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of the splendid collection of pictures, in the possession of R. R. Reinagle, Esq. R.A., who is quitting his residence
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a small collection of fine old French furniture and other ornamental objects, the property of a gentleman
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the celebrated collection of works of art and vertu, known as "The Vienna Museum"
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
The catalogue of the very valuable museum, of that intelligent and well-known collector, the late William Smith, Esq. of Boston, in Lincolnshire
White, John, active 1785–1816
A catalogue of the superb, most valuable and distinguished collection of Italian, Venetian, Flemish and Dutch pictures, antique marbles & bronzes, well known and celebrated throughout Europe
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of highly interesting antique statues, bustos, and other marbles, and capital Italian pictures, collected at Rome
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a capital, valuable and choice collection of pictures, by celebrated Masters of the Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Schools
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of chiefly Italian pictures, some pieces of antique sculpture in marble, some pieces of antique sculpture in marble, a few antique and many fine cinquo-cento bronzes
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital, well-known, and truly valuable collection of antique statues, bustos, Ægyptian, and other vases, bas-reliefs, &c.
Edward Foster (Firm)
A catalogue of a most valuable collection of pictures, of the Old Masters of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch & Flemish schools
Coxe, Peter, -1844
A catalogue of all the valuable drawings, sketches, sea views, and studies, of that celebrated artist Philip James de Loutherbourg, Esq. R.A. deceased
Mr. Stanley (Firm)
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of Italian, Dutch, & Flemish pictures, being a portion of those that lately ornamented Bridgewater House
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the choice and valuable collection of pictures, of Ralph Fletcher, Esq., Deceased, and removed from his residence at Gloucester
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the genuine and very capital cabinet of choice Italian, French, Flemish and English pictures, original drawings, and articles of ancient sculpture, of the late Hon. C. F. Greville, F. R. and A. S. &c. &c. &c. Dec.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a most capital and truly valuable collection
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the remaining part of the valuable collection of modern drawings
Ford, James (Auctioneer)
A catalogue of the late Sir Everard Fawkener's pictures, antique bronzes, large marble group of a lion devouring a horse, two curious Egyptian mummies of a woman and a child
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of eight capital and valuable marble statues
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the entire very choice cabinet of exquisite Dutch pictures of the highest class
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
The catalogue of a small but beautiful assemblage of works of art
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a most valuable, curious and highly interesting collection of Etruscan or Greek vases and antique bronzes, formed at infinite expence, and with indefatigable research, during a course of thirty years, by the late Mr. James Clark, Antiquary of Naples, Dec.
Christie, Manson, & Christie
A catalogue of the collection of pictures, reserved after the death of that celebrated and elegant painter, Romney, as some of the most capital of his productions
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very important collection of pictures by the greatest English artists, formed by a Gentleman, deceased
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the entire collection of bronzes, of the Palazzo Gaddi, Palazzo Marucelli, and the late eminent antiquary Baron Stosch
A descriptive catalogue of a genuine and capital collection of Italian pictures, never before seen in this country, and by the most celebrated masters
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
A catalogue of a capital miscellaneous assemblage of beautiful and valuable productions, both of nature and art
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a select part of the capital, valuable, and genuine collection of pictures, the property of the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Hamilton, K.B.
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the genuine & valuable collection of paintings, by the most distinguished masters of the Italian, Dutch, and Flemish schools
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very choice and important collection of Italian pictures, together with four capital English works
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of Italian, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, of the very highest class
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a small but choice collection of chiefly Italian pictures, a few statues, articles of sculpture, and a pair of beautiful slabs, composed of rare marbles
Coxe, Peter, -1844
The catalogue of all the genuine and valuable collection of ancient and modern paintings of the late John Francis Rigaud, Esq. R.A.
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the important gallery of pictures formed by the Marquis du Blaisel, deceased, received from Paris
Christie and Ansell (London, England)
A catalogue of a capital valuable collection of antique marbles, marble statues, bustos, cinerary and offuary urns, basso relievos
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a genuine capital and valuable collection of pictures, late the property of Isaac Jemineau, Esq; deceased
Victoria and Albert Museum
European sculpture at the Victoria and Albert Museum