Print made by Thomas Bowles III, ca. 1712–1767, Britishafter Giovanni Piranesi, 1720–1778, ItalianPublished by Bowles & Carver, 1763–1830, BritishPublished by Robert Wilkinson, 1758–1825, British
The Inside of St. Paul's Church in Rome built by Constantine the Great...
Materials & Techniques:
Hand-colored engraving on wove paper
Plate: 11 1/4 × 17 inches (28.6 × 43.2 cm)
...The body of this Antient Church is divided into 5 Isles by 4 rows of Greek Marble Collumns veined with various colours, brought from the Sepulcher of the Emperor Hadrian. In the Middle Isle are Painted several scripture histories, & the Effigies of all the Popes, and other Eminent Persons / ...Le Corps de cette ancienne Eglise est divise en 5 Ailes par 4 rangs des Colomnes de marbre Grec avec des veins de differntes couleurs, qui avoient ete pris et apportes du Sepulchre de l'Empereur Hadrian. Dan L'Aile du Milieu se trouvent peinte plusieurs Histoires de l'Ecriture Saint, & les effigies de tous les Popes & c. --- Printed for r. Wilkinson in Cornhill, & Bowles & Carver, 69 St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Prints and Drawings
Subject Terms:
paintings | church | pillars | arches | architectural subject
Associated Places:
San Paolo (church) | Europe | Italy | Lazio | Rome