Suffolk Punch (breed) | animal art | horse (animal)
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Exhibition History:
Taste & Beauty in Three Dimensions: Paul Mellon and British Sculpture (Yale Center for British Art, 2002-10-23 - 2004-02-15)The Paul Mellon Bequest : Treasures of a Lifetime (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-02-17 - 2001-04-29)
[ Advertisement ] In a Museum Now, Science News Letter, 26, Society for Science and the Public, Washington, July 7, 1934, p. 5, V1426 (YCBA Vertical File)Accessions 1949-1950, Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University, 19, New Haven, January 1951, no pp., (HAAS Library) No call number as of documentation: orbis lists as "in process."Acquisitions 1970, Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, 30, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1970, p. 24, J424 P83R (SML)Art Exhibitions, The Times (London), 45562, London, July 11, 1930, p. 12, Film An T482Malcolm Cormack, Champion Animals : Sculptures by Herbert Haseltine, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, 1996, p. 23-29, NJ18 H255 A12 1996 (YCBA)Malcolm Cormack, We Are The Champions, Country Life, 190, London, November 28, 1996, p. 38, S3 C68+ (YCBA)Patricia Elsen, College Museum Notes, Art Journal, 31, College Art Association of America, Inc., New York, August 1971, p. 58, N81 A887+ Oversize (HAAS)Exhibition of Sculpture of British Champion Animals by Herbert Haseltine held under the auspices of the Field, Knoedle's Gallery, London, 1925, p. 9, 15-16, cat. 3, NJ18 H255 K56 (LSF)Exhibition, Knoedler's Gallery in Bond Street, International Studio, 97, New York, October 1930, p. 62-63, J10 +In85 (LSF)Herbert Haseltine's Animal Portraiture, Creative Art, 7, New York, October 1930, p. 264-265, Za +Zc95 (Beinecke)Knoedler holds Haseltine show., ARTnews, 32, New York, January 20, 1934, 13, N1 A6+ (LSF)List of Gifts and Bequests of Mr. and Mrs. Harkness, Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 10, New York, October 1951, p. 86, N610 A27 (HAAS)Kineton Parkes, Animal Sculptor, Apollo, 12, London, August 1930, p. 110, 113, J10 +Ap43 (SML)Royal Academy, The Times (London), 45816, London, May 7, 1931, p. 12, Film An T482 (SML)Sculpture and Showmanship, Connoisseur, 86, London, September 1930, p. 195, N1 C75+ (YCBA)Sculpture Checklist of the 19th and 20th Centuries at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin, 56, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Spring 1961, p. 75, J422 P53D (SML)Sculptures by Herbert Haseltine of Champion Domestic Animals of Great Britain, The Field Museum, Chicago, p. 12-13, cat. 3, QL1 C42 A3 13Suffolk punch stallion : sudbourne premier, Scupture Review, 39, New York, 4th Quarter 1990, p. 14, J10 N215 + (SML)Suffolk Punch Stallion ; Sergeant Murphy, Apollo, 13, London, June 1931, p. 379, J10 +Ap43 (SML)Suffolk Punch Stallion, Apollo, 131, London, April 1953, p. 46, J10 +C762 131:1 (SML)Suffolk Punch Stallion, American Architect & Architecture, 138, New York, October 1930, 60, Ja10 +Am32 (LSF)Taste & beauty in three dimensions : Paul Mellon and British sculpture, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Conn., 2002, p. [8], no. 34, V 1426 (YCBA)Malcolm Warner, The Paul Mellon Bequest : treasures of a lifetime, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2001, p. 116, N5247 M385 P28 2001 (YCBA)William Stanley Haseltine, 1835-1900 ; Herbert Haseltine, 1877-1962, Hirschl and Adler Galleries, New York, p. 30, 40, cat. 39, V1226 (YCBA Vertical File)