Yale Center for British Art

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey, 1781–1841, British
George IV
Materials & Techniques:
Overall: 33 × 22 × 11 inches (83.8 × 55.9 × 27.9 cm)
Chiseled on supporting column on back of bust: "GEORGE IV. | EXECUTED BY PERMISSION. | FOR J. WATTS RUSSELL. ESQ"
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Paintings and Sculpture
Subject Terms:
portrait | wig | toga | tassel | man | king (person) | shamrock | thistle | rose (plant)
Currently On View:
Not on view
Exhibition History:
Art in Focus : William III (Yale Center for British Art, 2011-04-08 - 2011-07-31)

Crown Pictorial - Art and the British Monarchy (Yale Center for British Art, 1990-12-05 - 1991-02-17)
Anecdotes of Chantrey, Bulletin of the American Art-Union, November 1850, p. 154, Online Resource Available online at JSTOR

Clyde Binfield, Sir Francis Chantrey, sculptor to an age, 1781-1841 , University of Sheffield, Sheffield [South Yorkshire], 1981, pp. 77-78, no. 30, NJ18 C3837 S56 (LSF)

Chantrey as the National Sculptor of Early Nineteenth Century England, Oxford Art Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, November, 1981, p. 24, N1 O83 OVERSIZE (HAAS)

Linda Colley, Crown Pictorial : Art and the British Monarchy : Exhibition Labels, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1990, pp. 41-42, no. 100, N8219 K5 C761 1990 (YCBA)

Linda Colley, Crown Pictorial : Art and the British Monarchy, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1990, p. 36, no. 100, N8219 K5 C76 1990 (YCBA)

S. Dunkerley, Francis Chantrey, sculptor, from Norton to Knighthood , Hallamshire Press, Sheffield, England, pp. 10, 61, 73, 95, 150, 151, pl. 19 (no. 1), NJ18 C3837 D85 1995 OVERSIZE (YCBA)

Exhibition Catalogue. 1822. 54th., Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts, no. 54, Royal Academy of Arts, 1822, p. 46, no. 988, N5054 A53 50-64 (YCBA)

Rupert Gunnis, Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660-1851, Murrays Books sales, London, 1968, pp. 92-95, NB496 G85 1968 (YCBA)

Jones on Chantrey, The Times (London), Tuesday, August 20, 1850, p. 6, Available online : Times Digital Archive Also available on Microfilm : An T482 (SML)

Memoir of Sir Francis Chantrey, The Times (London), Monday, November 29, 1841, p. 5, Available Online : Times Digital Archive Also available on Microfilm : An T482 (SML)

Alex Potts, Sir Francis Chantrey 1781-1841, sculptor of the great, National Portrait Gallery, London, 1980, p. 13, no. 2, NJ18 C3837 P67 (YCBA)

A.J. Raymond, Life and work of Sir Francis Chantrey, A. & F. Denny, London, 1904, p. 61, NJ18 C3837 R38 (YCBA)

Sotheby's sale catalogue : Catalogue of Medieval works of art; Gothic wood carvings; Renaissance bronzes; keys, cutlery, Renaissance jewellery and cameos and rockcrystals; and ivories ... : 9 December 1976, ... eBaroque sculptures and Italian 18th century bronzes after the antiqu , Sotheby's, London, December 9, 1976, p. 62, lot 227, Fiche 18 (YCBA)

Toledo Museum of Art, Museum News, Museum News, Toledo, Ohio, 1978, p. 13, no. 78.52, J426 T57N OVERSIZE (SML)

Angus Trumble, The Marble Bust, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 2004, no. 3, V 1304 (YCBA)

R. J. B. Walker, Regency portraits, National Portrait Gallery, London, 1985, vol. 1, pp. 204-05, 211 (vol. 1) pl. 485 (vol. 2), no. 485, N1090 A592 (YCBA)

William III, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2011, p. 22, V2340
Gallery Label:
After King George III was permanently disabled by insanity in 1811 (his youthful bust by John Van Nost the Younger is displayed nearby), his eldest son and heir, the Prince of Wales (1762-1830), was invited by Parliament to assume the position of prince regent. Following the old king's death in 1820, the prince regent was finally crowned King George IV. The new king's reign was characterized by a gradual decline in the effective political power and prerogatives of the crown, and by inexorable movement toward the great Reform Act of 1832. George IV was greedy, spoiled, manipulative, lecherous, foolish, extravagant, and stubborn. But in his heyday during the Regency period, the king was, perhaps more than any of his Hanoverian predecessors, a bold, daring, and brilliant patron of the visual arts and of architecture. Gallery label for installation of YCBA collection, 2005