The noble & joyous boke entytled Le Morte Darthur : notwythstondyng it treateth of the byrth lyf & actes of the sayd Kynge Arthur: of his noble knyghtes of the Rounde Table : theyr merveyllous enquestes & adventures, thachyevynge of the sanc-greall and in the ende the dolourous deth: and departynge out of this worlde of them al. : which boke was reduced in to Englysshe / by the well dysposyd knyghte Syr Thomas Malory.
Alternate Title(s):
Morte d'Arthur
Published / Created:
Oxford : Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press, and published for the press by Basil Blackwell ; 1934.Boston, : Houghton Mifflin, 1934.