A plan of the city of Dublin and the environs : on the same scale of London, Paris & Rome / by John Rocque ... = Plan de Dublin et de ces environs : sur la meme echelle de ceux de Londres, Paris et Rome / par J. Rocque ...
Published / Created:
[London : J. Rocque, 1760].
Physical Description:
1 map on 2 sheets ; 100 x 140 cm., sheets 55 x 75 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Maps & Atlas (printed)
Scale [ca. 1:10,600].
BAC: British Art Center copy Folio A G 15 copy is bound with: An exact survey of the city and suburbs of Dublin / John Rocque. London, 1756. The Folio A G 13 copy is bound with: A new and accurate survey of London and Westminster / John Rocque. London, 1751. This volume supposedly belonged to Rocque.
Subject Terms:
Rocque, John, -1762 -- Provenance. | Dublin (Ireland) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800. | Dublin Region (Ireland) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800.