BEIN 1998 749: Vols. 2, 3, and 5 only. Bookplate and ms. annotations of Chauncey Brewster Tinker. Autograph of Tinker in v. 3 and 5.
Part 1. Notes on Dr. Johnson's ancestors and connexions and illustrative of his early life -- pt. 2. Francis Barber, the doctor's Negro servan t-- pt. 3. The doctor's boyhood -- pt. 4. The doctor's boyhood. Appendic es -- pt. 5. The doctor's life, 1728-1735 -- pt. 6. The doctor's life, 17 35-1740 -- pt. 7. The Jervis, Porter, and other allied families -- pt. 8. A miscellany -- pt. 9. A further miscellany -- pt. 10. Johnson's early life: the final narrative -- pt. 11. Consolidated index of persons: to parts 1 to 10, as well as to the Johnsonian portions of The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's ancestry.