First volume of the instructions given in the drawing school established by the Dublin-Society ... : to enable youth to become proficients in the different branches of that art and to pursue with success geographical, nautical, mechanical, commercial and military studies / under the direction of Joseph Fenn.
Alternate Title(s):
Instructions given in the drawing school established by the Dublin-Society.
Published / Created:
Dublin : Alex. M'Culloh, 1769-1772.
Physical Description:
2 v. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BAC: British Art Center copy imperfect: v. 2 wanting.
v.1. Course of mathematicks. System of the physical world. System of the moral world. Plan of the military art. Plan of the mechantile arts. Plan of naval art. Plan of mechanic arts. The elements of Euclid. --v.2. History of mathematics. Elements of numerical arithmetick. Elements of specious arithmetick.
Subject Terms:
Science -- Study and teaching -- Early works to 1800. | Mathematics -- Early works to 1800. | Harris, William, High Street, Dublin -- Autograph. | M'Culloh, Alex. -- Printer. | Engraving -- Specimens -- 1769–1772.