Is it any good? : prints, drawings, and paintings at the Lewis Walpole Library / Cynthia E. Roman ... produced in conjunction with the exhibition at the Lewis Walpole Library ... September 22, 2023, to June 28, 2024.
Published / Created:
[New Haven, Conn.?] : Yale University, Lewis Walpole Library, c2023.
"Designed and set ... by Rebecca Martz, Office of the Yale University Printer, and edited by Brian Hotchkiss, Wordesign Services. Printed by GHP in West Haven, Connecticut." -- cf. inside back cover.
Subject Terms:
Prints, British -- 18th century -- Exhibitions. | Color prints, British -- 18th century -- Exhibitions. | Historical prints, British -- 18th century -- Exhibitions. | Prints, British -- Private collections -- Connecticut -- Farmington. | Graphic arts -- Great Britain -- History -- 18th century. | Drawing, British -- 18th century -- Exhibitions. | Painting, British -- 18th century -- Exhibitions. | Lewis Walpole Library -- Exhibitions. | Lewis Walpole Library. | Color prints, British. | Drawing, British. | Graphic arts. | Painting, British. | Prints, British. | Connecticut -- Farmington. | Great Britain.
Exhibition catalogs. | History.
Martz, Rebecca, 1977– | Hotchkiss, Brian D., 1953– | Lewis Walpole Library.