Includes bibliographical references (pages 262-277) and index.
The Legacy of the Grand Tour ; Out of the eighteenth century / Scott Wilcox -- Tracing Early Encounters ; Following the paper trail: British calotypists in Italy / Beth Saunders ; The Italian origins of British photography / Chitra Ramalingam -- Photography as Narrative and Souvenir ; Staging the tourist site: photograpy, performance, and the British encounter / Maria Antonella Pelizzari ; "Wild grandeur and shadowy fears": picturing danger in the Italian South / Jordan Bear ; Vision, history, and the Tauchnitz editions of George Eliot's Romola / Victoria Mills ; Julia Margaret Cameron's 'journey' to Italy / Patrizia Di Bello -- Documenting and Disseminating Art ; Art breaks away: access and appreciation in the photography of Italian art / Anthony Hamber ; "With the help of the Daguerreotype": John Ruskin and Italian architecture / Stephen Bann ; Collecting Italy: Henry Cole, photography, and the South Kensington Museum / Ella Ravilious ; The Arundel Socity and Pietro Dovizielli's photography / Maria Francesca Bonetti -- The Parker Collection: beyond the illustration of Roman archaeology / Jean-Philippe Garric -- Becoming a Nation ; "The passion for that cause": the British public and the Risorgimento / Lucy Riall ; Friends and foes: religion, revolution, and Cartes de Visite / John A. Davis -- Endings and Beginnings ; "A vast museum and picture gallery": photographs of Italy in Fin-de-Siècle Britian / Anne McCauley ; Everday Italians in modern Italy: the photographs of Agnes and Dora Bulwer / Martina Caruso.
Subject Terms:
Photography -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century. | Photography, Artistic -- 19th century. | Italy -- Civilization -- Pictorial works. | PHOTOGRAPHY / History. | HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain / Victorian Era (1837–1901) | Civilization. | Photography. | Photography, Artistic. | Great Britain. | Italy.
History. | Pictorial works.
Pelizzari, Maria Antonella, editor. | Wilcox, Scott, 1952– editor.