A catalogue of a highly valuable and extremely curious collection of illumined miniature painting of the greatest beauty, and of exquisite finishing : taken from the Choral Books of the Papal Chapel in the Vatican, during the French Revolution : and subsequently collected and brought to this country by the Abate Celotti : the above collection is highly important for the illustration of the art of painting in Italy during the fifteenth and following centuries : exhibiting, besides many fine productions of the miniaturists, whose names have not been preserved by any biographer, presumed specimens of the early masters, Francesco Squarcione and Giovanni Bellini : and undoubted chef d'oeuvres of Girolamo de' Libri, and his disciple Giulio Clovio, who brought the art to the highest perfection : as also by some other great paintters who lived after Clovio's time : the whole are described in a catalogue, drawn in chronological series by a gentleman well conversant in the history of early Italian art : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, at his great room, no. 8, King Street, St. James's Square, on Thursday, May 26th, 1825, at one precisely.
Published / Created:
[London] : [Mr. Christie], [1825]
Physical Description:
30, [2] pages ; 26 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Lugt, F. Répertoire des catalogues de ventes publiques, 10904
Subject Terms:
Celotti, Luigi, approximately 1768–approximately 1846 -- Art collections -- Catalogs. | Art auctions -- England -- London -- Catalogs. | Art -- Private collections -- Great Britain -- Catalogs. | Painting, European -- Catalogs. | Miniature painting -- Catalogs. | Northwick, John Rushout, Baron, 1770–1859 -- Bookplate.