Yale Center for British Art

Spicilegium florae Hantoniensis.
Published / Created:
Physical Description:
2 boxes (approximately 200 specimens) ; boxes each 37 x 29 x 9 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Archives & Manuscripts
Two large book-form boxes labeled "Spicilegium Florae Hantoniensis," containing an extensive collection of botanical specimens of Hampshire plants, mosses and lichens. All specimens are neatly preserved in individual paper folders and docketed with date and location of collection. There are approximately 125 small folders (16 x 12 cm), 30 large folders (33 x 26 cm), and 6 small boxes of lichens. The folders generally contain no more than two or three example specimens (sometimes one); the boxes of lichen each contain around 15 to 20 specimens.
Subject Terms:
Wellington, Elizabeth Wellesley, Duchess of, 1820–1904. | Ewhurst Park (Hampshire, England) | Plants -- England -- Hampshire. | Mosses -- England -- Hampshire. | Lichens -- Europe -- Hampshire. | Pressed flower pictures. | Botanical specimens -- Collection and preservation -- Great Britain. | Botanical specimens -- Great Britain. | Flowers -- Collection and preservation -- Great Britain. | Flowers -- Great Britain. | Lichens -- Collection and preservation -- Great Britain. | Lichens -- Great Britain. | Women in natural history.
Herbaria. | Botanical illustrations.
Wellington, Elizabeth Wellesley, Duchess of, 1820–1904.