A catalogue of the very valuable & rare collection of pictures, at Exeter Hall, Strand, embracing upwards of two hundred of a superior class ... : the Gallery has been completed from the collections of the King of Spain, Charles I, James II, the Regent of France, the Convent of Santa Clara, &c. : the finest productions of the following great masters will found conspicuous : Raffaelle, Titian, Correggio, Sal. Rosa, Teniers, Domenichino, Carracci, A. Del Sarto, Guercino, Morales, Cuyp, Murillo, Poussin, G. Douw, Spagnoletti, Claude, Rembrandt, Vandyke, J. Stein, K. Du Jardyn, De Hooge, Mieris, Georgione, Hobbema, Ruysdael &c. &c. : the Modern Gallery displays much of originality and merit : and the following Masters may bell be proud of the lasting testimony they have here place upon records : Sir J. Reynolds, Northcote, Wilson, Barret & Gilpin, Morland, C. Verney, Hudson, Stroehling : which will be sold be auction, by Mr. Geo. Robins, at Exeter Hall, Strand, on Thursday, 14th of March, 1835, and the following day at twelve o'clock ...