The gentleman's recreation : in four parts, viz. hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing : wherein these generous exercises are largely treated of, and the terms of art for hunting and hawking more amply enlarged than heretofore : whereto is prefixt a large sculpture, giving easie directions for blowing the horn, and other sculptures inserted proper to each recreation : with an abstract at the end of each subject of such laws as relate to the same.
Collected at first from antient and modern authors, and now in this second edition corrected and very much enlarged by several eminent and skillful persons, lovers of the sports.
Published / Created:
London : Printed by J.C. for N.C. and are to be sold by Tho. Fabian at the Bible in Paul's Church-yard, the Corner-Shop nest Cheap-side, 1677.
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Dedication signed: Nicholas Cox.
Subject Terms:
Hunting -- Early works to 1800. | Falconry -- Early works to 1800 | Fowling -- Early works to 1800. | Fishing -- Early works to 1800. | Forestry law and legislation. | Game-laws. | Lousley, Job -- Autograph. | Lousley, Job -- Ms. note. | Crittondon, Anthony -- Autograph. (BAC) | Crittondon, John -- Autograph. (BAC)