Salt & silver : early photography 1840-1860 : from the Wilson Centre for Photography / editors, Marta Braun, Hope Kingsley ; project editor, Polly Fleury.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Salt and Silver : Early Photography 1840-1860", held at Tate Britain, 25 February - 7 June 2015.
Introduction: Back to the future: William Henry Fox Talbot and the origins of contemporary photography / Simon Baker -- Preface to the roundtables -- Roundtable one / Simon Baker, Martin Barnes, Hans Kraus, Michael Wilson, Hope Kingsley -- Roundtable two / Elizabeth Edwards, Carol Jacobi, Hope Kingsley, Anne de Mondenard, Lori Pauli, Marta Braun -- Plates. Beginnings ; Modern life ; History and epic ; Portrait and presence -- Biographies -- Glossary.
Subject Terms:
Wilson Center for Photography (London, England) -- Exhibitions. | Photography -- History -- 19th century -- Exhibitions. | Calotype -- Exhibitions.
Braun, Marta, editor. | Kingsley, Hope, editor. | Fleury, Polly, editor. | Tate Britain (Gallery), host institution. | Wilson Center for Photography (London, England), issuing body.