Yale Center for British Art

Riou, Stephen
Traité d'architecture civile : tiré de Vignole, Daviler, & autres / Stephanus Riou, Londinensis Bonarum Artium ac Litterarum Studiosus in Universit. Genevens ... delint. & scripsit A.H.S. 1743.
Published / Created:
Geneva?, 1743.
Physical Description:
1 volume (XCII pages) : illustrations ; 55 x 40 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Archives & Manuscripts
The architect and soldier Stephen Riou (1720-1780) was the son of a Huguenot and studied architecture at Geneva. He was the author of Elements of fortification (1746), Short principles for the architecture of stone bridges (1760), and The Grecian orders of architecture (1768). Cf. A dictionary of British and Irish travelers in Italy, 1701-1800; and A biographical dictionary of British architects, 1600-1840.
[Contents of each page:] I. Title leaf, with vignette -- II. "En des palais declicieux ..." excerpt from Perrault -- III. Traité d'architecture civile, beneath an unfinished graphite drawing of the Temple of Vesta, Tivoli -- IV. Continuation of text -- V. Perspective elevation: De l'origine des ordres et de leur parties -- VI. Des ordres, et premièrement de leur parties -- VII. Details, with key -- VIII. Des moutures -- IX. Mouldings, with scale -- X. De l'ensemble des ordres -- XI. Elevation of Doric order -- XII. Des quelques oranments particuliers aux ordres -- XIII. Details of scrolls, consoles, triglyphs, entablature & capital -- XIV. Des moutures qui servent pour les cadres et chambrantes -- XV. Details of moldings for architraves, etc. -- XVI. Des moutures, profils des dedans -- XVII. Details of moldings for interiors -- XVIII. De qlques parties qui accompagnent les ordres -- XIX. Details of arcades, balustrades, rustication, urns, niches &c. -- XX. Suite de quelques parties qui accompagnent les ordres -- XXI. Details of pedestals etc. -- XXII. De quelques ordres anciens -- XXIII. Detailes of atlantes, caryatids, herms, terms, masks, medallions, etc. -- XXIV. Les cinq manieres d'espacer les colonnes selon Vitruve; Des parties qui composent l'ordre Toscan -- XXV. Details of Tuscan order -- XXVI. Des portiques Toscans -- XVII. Plan and elevation of Tuscan arcade -- XXVIII. Piedestal & base, Doric -- XXIX. Details, Doric -- XXX. Ancien entablement Doric, avec le chapiteau & Plafond de la corniche -- XXXI. Details, Doric -- XXXII. Autre entablement Doric &ca. -- XXXIII. Details, Doric -- XXXIV. Portique Doric, sans piedestal -- XXXV. Plan and elevation of Doric arcade (without pedestal) -- XXXVI. Portique Doric, avec piedestal -- XXXVII. Plan and elevation of Doric arcade (with pedestal) -- XXXVIII. Piedestal, base, imposte &cra. Ionics -- XXXIX. Details, Ionic -- XL. Entablement Ionic -- XLI. Details, Ionic -- XLII. Chapiteau Ionic, avec la maniere de tracer sa valude, de Palladio -- XLIII. Details, Ionic -- XLIV. Plan & profil du chapiteau & volute Ionic, de Scamozzi -- XLV. Details, Ionic -- XLVI. Portique Ionic, sans piedestal -- XLVII. Plan and elevation of Ionic arcade (without pedestal) -- XLVIII. Portique Ionic avec piedestal -- XLIX. Plan & elevation of Ionic arcade (with pedestal).
Subject Terms:
Riou, Stephen, 1720–1780. | Aviler, Augustin-Charles d', 1653–1701. | Palladio, Andrea, 1508–1580. | Scamozzi, Vincenzo, 1548–1616. | Vignola, 1507–1573. | Vitruvius Pollio. | Architecture. | Architecture -- Orders. | Architecture -- Details. | Architecture -- Composition, proportions, etc. | Gateways.
Ink drawings. | Graphite drawings. | Architectural drawings.