Creator: Wood, Jon Title: The sculpture of Stephen Gilbert and Jocelyn Chewett in post-war Paris / Jon Wood, Hester R. Westley and Catherine Coughlan. Published / Created: Leeds : Henry Moore Insitute, [2006] Physical Description: 20 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. Collection: Reference Library Copyright Status: Copyright Not Evaluated Classification: Books Notes: Cover title. Subject Terms: Gilbert, Stephen, 1910–2007 -- Exhibitions. | Chewett, Jocelyn, 1906–1979 -- Exhibitions. | Chewett, Jocelyn. | Gilbert, Stephen, 1910–2007. Form/Genre: Exhibition catalogs. Contributors: Gilbert, Stephen, 1910–2007. | Chewett, Jocelyn, 1906–1979. | Westley, Hester R. | Coughlan, Catherine. | Henry Moore Institute (Leeds, England) | Leeds (England). City Art Gallery.