Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, Wunderbarliche, doch warhaftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia .., 1590[-1630]
- Title(s):
- Wunderbarliche, doch warhaftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia ...
- Additional Title(s):
- America. German
- Published/Created:
- Franckfort am Mayn : Gedruckt bey J. Wechel : 1590[-1630]
- Physical Description:
- 14 parts : ill., maps, plans, ports. ; 36 cm.
- Holdings:
- Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- Title and imprint from part 1.
The set is commonly known by the title Great voyages (or Grands voyages).
Parts 1-6 were published by Theodore de Bry (1528-1598). After his death, the series was continued by his widow and two sons, Johann Theodor de Bry and Johann Israel de Bry, who together published parts 7-9. After Johann Israel's death (1611), Johann Theodor was responsible for parts 10 and 11. The final parts (12-14) were published by Matthaeus Merian. Cf. Church.
The present German edition was published simultaneously with a Latin edition. See Church (v. 1, p. 319) for a "Table exhibiting the several editions and issues of the Great voyages of de Bry," including both the Latin and the German editions. Part 1 was also issued in French and English editions.
Church, E.D. Catalogue of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and South America, 176, etc.
BAC: British Art Center copy is complete, with all the maps and plates. Bound in later brown cloth. From the library of Mary Cecil Frankland, 16th Baroness Zouche. Collated in 1949 by Henry Stevens, whose detailed typescript description (together with that of the Petits Voyages) is included herewith (Suppl. volume). As noted in the Stevens collation, the BAC copy is a mixture of the second and first editions, as follows: Parts 1-5, 2nd edition (1600-1613); parts 6-9, 1st edition (1597-1601); parts 10-14 (1st, i.e. sole edition). Furter details on issue, variation, etc., are available in the Stevens collation. - Subject Terms:
- America -- Discovery and exploration -- Early works to 1800.Cavendish, Thomas, 1560–1592 -- Travel -- America.Drake, Francis, Sir, 1540?-1596 -- Travel -- America.Indians of North America -- Early works to 1800.Indians of South America -- Early works to 1800.Latin America -- Discovery and exploration -- Early works to 1800.Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618 -- Travel -- America.South America -- Discovery and exploration -- Early works to 1800.Voyages and travels -- Early works to 1800.Voyages around the world -- Early works to 1800.Zouche, Mary Cecil Frankland, Baroness, 1875–1965 -- Provenance.
- Form/Genre:
- Engravings.
- Export:
- Pt. 1. Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd Sitten der Wilden in Virginia ... 1590
- Pt. 2. Der ander Theyl, der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam ... gethan ... 1591
- Pt. 3. Dritte Buch Americae, darinn Brasilia durch Johann Staden auss eigener Erfahrung in teutsch beschrieben ... 1593
- Pt. 4. Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt, Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Historien, von dem Nidergängischen Indien, so von Christophoro Columbo im Jar 1492 erstlich erfunden ... 1594
- Pt. 5. Americae das fünffte Buch, vol schöner vnerhörter Historien, auss dem andern Theil Ioannis Benzonis gezogen ... 1595
- Pt. 6. Das sechste Theil der Neuwen Welt. Oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo ... 1597
- Pt. 7. Das VII Theil America. Warhafftige vnnd liebliche Beschreibung etlicher fürnemmen indianischen Landschafften vnd Insulen ... 1597.
- Pt. 8. Americae achter Theil, in welchem erstlich beschrieben wirt das ... Königreich Guiana ... Item, eine kurtze Beschreibung der vmbliegenden Landtschafften ... 1599
- Pt. 9. Neundter vnd letzter Theil Americae, darin[n] gehandelt wird, von Gelegenheit der Elementen, Natur ... der Newen Welt ... 1601
- Pt. 10. Zehender Theil Americae darinnen zubefinden: Erstlich, Zwo Schiffarten Herrn Americi Vesputii vnter König Ferninando in Castilien vollbracht ... 1618
- Pt. 11. Historische Beschreibung, der wunderbarlichen Reyse, welche von einem Holländer, Willhelm Schouten ... ist verrichtet worden: darinnen angezeigt wird, durch was Mittel vnd Weise, er gegen Mittag, der Magellanischen Strassen, einen newen ... Weg in die Sud-See eröffnet habe ... 1619
- Pt. 12. Zwölffter Theil der Newen Welt, das ist: Gründliche volkommene Entdeckung aller der west indianischen Landschafften, Insuln vnd Königreichen ...1623
- Pt. 13. Dreyzehender Theil Americae, das ist: Fortsetzung der Historien von der Newen Welt ... 1628
- Pt. 14. Vierzehender Theil americanischer Historien, inhaltend, erstlich, warhafftige Beschreibung etlicher west-indianischer Landen ... alss New Mexico, Cibola, Cinaloa, Quiuira, vnd anderer ... 1630.
Paul Mellon's Legacy : A Passion for British Art (Yale Center for British Art, 2007-04-18 - 2007-07-29) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
Wilde Americk - Discovery and Exploration of the New World, 1500-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-09-27 - 2001-09-27) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
Wilde Americk - Discovery and Exploration of the New World, 1500-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-09-27 - 2001-09-27) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
If you have information about this object that may be of assistance please contact us.