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Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Helvetiæ, Rhætiæ et Valesiæ : das ist, Beschreibung vnnd eygentliche Abbildung der vornemsten Stätte vnd Plätze in der hochlöblichen Eydgnossschafft, Graubündten, Wallis, vnd etlicher zugewandten Orthen / M.Z.
Additional Title(s):
Running title: Beschreibung der Eydgnossschafft.
In dieser andern ed. mit sondern Fleiss durchgangen vnd von vorigen Fehlern corrigirt, vermehrt vnd gebessert.
Franckfurt am Mayn : Zum Truck verlegt von denen Merianischen Erben, Im Jahr MDCLIV [1654]
Physical Description:
90, [8] p., [80] leaves of plates (some folded) : ill. (engravings), maps, plans ; 32 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
D917.Z45 T67 1654a+ Oversize
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Merian device on title page.
With the engraved title page and the introduction from the first edition, 1642.
"Kurtze Beschreib. und Abtheilung dess Teutschlandts" with a folded map, p. 10-14.
Two plates included with this edition are not listed in the index but appear in their appropriate places: Nünkirch and Neuenburg.
Schuchhard, C. Die Zeiller-Merianschen Topographien, 64B
Includes indexes.
BAC: British Art Center copy bound in quarter leather and paste paper boards; edges untrimmed. Title label written in ms on spine. Similarly bound with the BAC copies of other titles in the Topographia Germaniae series (D917.Z45 T67+).
Collection of views and maps of the cities and towns of Switzerland and parts of Germany. Part of the 21-volume set of townbooks known collectively as the Topographia Germaniae, published between 1642 and 1688. The text was provided by the German geographer, Martin Zeiller. With over 2000 plates, the series was the most extensive publication of its kind. Most of the plates were engraved by Matthäus Merian (1593-1650) and his sons Matthäus (1621-1687) and Caspar (1627-1686).
Subject Terms:
Germany -- Description and travel.
Switzerland -- Description and travel.
Switzerland -- History.
Maps -- Switzerland.
Maps -- Germany.
Engravings -- 1654.
Merian, Matthaeus, 1593–1650, engraver, publisher.
Merian, Matthaeus, 1621–1687, engraver.
Merian, Caspar, 1627–1686, engraver.

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