Toogood, Charles, A friendly admonition from a country clergyman on the approach of Shrovetide, or, A serious warning against the cruel and abominable custom of throwing at cocks and of cockfighting, 1795
- Title(s):
- A friendly admonition from a country clergyman on the approach of Shrovetide, or, A serious warning against the cruel and abominable custom of throwing at cocks and of cockfighting.
- Published/Created:
- Sherborne : Printed by W. Cruttwell ..., 1795.
- Physical Description:
- 15, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
- Holdings:
- Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- BAC copy: Bound in: The last dying speech and confession of John Billingsgate. (1 folded leaf, as issued?)
- Subject Terms:
- Cockfighting -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800.Cockfighting -- Great Britain.Cruttwell, W. -- Printer.Stone, Melville E., -- Provenance.
- Export: