Foster, Tony, 1946-, [Sacred places portfolio book], [2015]
- Title(s):
- [Sacred places portfolio book].
- Additional Title(s):
- Sacred places
- Edition:
- First edition.
- Published/Created:
- Palo Alto : Foster Art & Wilderness Foundation, [2015]
©2015 - Physical Description:
- 1 portfolio : color illustrations, map ; 29 cm
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsND1839.F67 A43 2015+ OversizeYale Center for British Art, Gift of The Foster Art & Wilderness Foundation[Request]
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- Title from The Foster (
"Tony Foster traveled to the Four Corners region to paint landscapes deemed sacred by Native Americans, Catholics, Mormons and New Age practitioners. This award-winning catalogue is a portfolio case that holds two booklets with essays, travel photos and reference information; 34 artist plates; a fold-out map of the American Southwest with a poster on the back; a reproduction of the artist's diary; a blank memo book and six postcards."--The Foster (, accessed May 15, 2019).
"Sacred Places began as a search for the meaning of place and its relationship to spirituality. Traveling throughout the Four Corners region of the southwestern United States (the area where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet), the wilderness artist Tony Foster sought to experience and document the area's rich blend of cultures and faiths. His time in the region, which he recorded in journals and in his paintings, shaped his understanding of the people who live there and their indelible ties to the land. Comprising works created between 2010 and 2012, Sacred Places not only depicts the beauty of the natural landscape but also represents the deep spiritual connections of the region's inhabitants through Foster's unique addition of artifacts and diary inscriptions. These souvenirs, which are included inside the paintings' frames, serve as physical reminders of his experiences interacting with both the land and its people. Through them, viewers share his struggles to overcome tribal suspicions, extreme weather conditions, loneliness, and frustration. Most importantly, Foster's work serves as an eloquent appeal for the protection of fragile wilderness areas."--Portfolio. - Subject Terms:
- Four Corners Region.Indians of North America -- Southwest, New.Sacred space -- Southwest, New.Southwest, New -- In art.
- Form/Genre:
- Maps.
Diaries. - Export:
- Book one: Introduction: Journey to the world of Tony Foster / Heidi M. Hackford
- Tony Foster and the power of place / Julie M. Muñiz
- Fostering an artistic tradition / James K. Ballinger
- Sacred places: watercolors from the American Southwest / Tony Foster
- Chronology
- Tony Foster's wilderness journeys, 1982-2015.
- Book two: Introduction
- Sacred places by the numbers
- The search for meaning: the four sacred mountains of the Navajo
- Spiritual landmarks: Monument Valley, the San Juan River, Comb Ridge, and the Mitten Buttes
- Friendships formed in silence: Monastery of Christ in the Desert
- Ancient origins: Canyon de Chelly and Spider Rock
- Monsters and giants: Cabezon Peak
- Beliefs for a new age: Sedona
- Shared lands: Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, Sleeping Ute, and Shiprock
- Water and rock: Havasu Falls and Angels Landing
- Glossary of symbols found in Sacred places.
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