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Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561
A newe booke containing the arte of ryding, and breaking greate horses : together with the shapes and figures, of many and diuers kyndes of byttes, mete to serue diuers mouthes. Very necessary for all gentlemen, souldyours, seruingmen, and for any man that delighteth in a horse.
Imprinted at London : By Willyam Seres dwellinge at the West ende of Poules, at the signe of the Hedgehog, [not before 1566]
Physical Description:
[356] p. : ill. ; 17 cm. (4to)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
SF309 .B38 1561
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
An abridgment and adaptation by Thomas Blundeville of: Grisone, Federico. Ordini di cavalcare.
Place of publication and printer's name from colophon at foot of leaf ²F4v.
Signatures: A⁸ B⁴ ²A-M⁸ ³A-²E⁸ ²F⁴ ⁴A-³C⁸ ³D².
"The thirde booke of the arte of rydinge" (caption title) and "The halter or headstrayne, of rope and coarde" (the latter consisting of illustrations only) each begin new register.
Woodcut illustrations, diagrams and initials within text throughout.
Printed throughout in black letter type.
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.), 3158
English short title catalogue, S103460
Podeschi, J.B. Books on the horse and horsemanship, 7
Luborsky, R.S. Guide to English illustrated books, 1536-1603, 3158
BAC: British Art Center copy bound in blind- and gilt-tooled sprinkled calf; edges sprinkled red; partially rebacked. Has leather bookplates of Moncure Biddle, Alfred Barmore Maclay and Charles W. Williams. MS ownership inscription of Arthdale Palmer dated 1640 on recto of first free end-paper; presentation inscription from William Palmer to Master Baron on t.p.
Subject Terms:
Baron, Master -- Presentation inscription from William Palmer.
Biddle, Moncure, 1882– -- Bookplate.
Bits (Bridles) -- Pictorial works -- Early works to 1800.
Horsemanship -- Early works to 1800.
Horses -- Training -- Early works to 1800.
Maclay, Alfred Barmore -- Bookplate.
Palmer, Arthdale -- Autograph.
Palmer, William -- Presentation inscription to Master Baron.
Williams, Charles W. -- Bookplate.
Grisone, Federico. Ordini di cavalcare. English.
Seres, William, -approximately 1579, printer.

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