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Dante Alighieri, 1265–1321
Comento di Christophoro Landino Fiorentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta Fiorentino.
Additional Title(s):

Comedia di Danthe Aligheri poeta Fiorentino

Divina commedia
Et impresso in Firenze : Per Nicholo di Lorenzo della magna, a di .XXX. dagosto .M.CCCC.LXXXI. [30 Aug. 1481].
Physical Description:
[744] pages : illustrations (engravings) ; 44 cm (Folio)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Leaf Collection no. 0307
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
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BEIN ZZi 6120: For fuller description see collation leaf in volume. The Yale copy agrees with the general description in the Gesamtkatalog, with the following exceptions: fol. 2a (third count), lines 1-2 "DIV-/NO" (GKW correctly: "DIVI/NO"); fol. 36a (fourth count), line 28, the second D is inverted in "DIDANTHE."
BEIN ZZi 6120: This copy has two copper-engravings only (by Sandro Botticelli), each printed on the page (fol. a₁a and b₁b);--cf. A.M. Hind, Early Italian engraving, London, 1938, part I, v. 1, p. 99-116; v. 2, plate 162. Mounted on blank leaf preceding fol. a₁ is an engraving of Dante's Inferno after the fresco in the Campo Santo at Pisa (Hind, v. 1, p. 49, no. 59; v. 2, plate 55).
BEIN ZZi 6120: A few manuscript marginal notes. Bound in fairly old sprinkled calf, gilt. Fol. 1 and 14 (first count) blank and wanting; fol. 1 (second count) and fol. 1 (third count) blank; fol. 95 and 96 (fourth count) blank and wanting.
Title from caption on leaf pi1r.
Imprint from colophon.
Royal folio, with paper measuring 40.8 x 27.7 cm. Text enclosed by commentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of quires a-d and some others.
With errors in printing and omissions. Three or more lines of Dante's text have been omitted by the printer on e1r, l9v, q5r, r3v, 2e3r, 2f7r, 2h1r, 2l9r, 2o1v, 2o3r, C8v, and E10r.
Engravings attributed to Baccio Baldini after designs by Sandro Botticelli.
As indicated by a blank space or by an engraving preceding the cantos, a complete series of illustrations must have originally been planned for this edition. Engravings are known only for the first nineteen cantos of the Inferno. Of these, only those for the first three cantos are found impressed on the pages of text (in some instances, the third being a repetition of the second). The remaining engravings, if any or all appear, are found on separate slips of paper pasted in at their respective places. Cf. Goff.
In some copies, the last line of commentary on 2o6v has the reading "per sua infinita misericordia"; in other copies, the last line has reading "per sua instituta misericordia". Cf. GW for other textual variants.
In some copies, Landino's prologue to the Paradiso (A1r, missigned 'aaa1') is set up in 47 lines, the last beginning "te ciriempie."; in other copies, the prologue is set up in 48 lines, the last beginning "ita: ne da tempo."
Signatures: pi⁸ 2pi⁶ a¹⁰ b⁸ c-e¹⁰ f⁸ g¹⁰ h-i⁸ l¹⁰ m-n⁸ o-r¹⁰ s⁶, 2a-2g¹⁰ 2h¹² 2l-2m¹⁰ 2o⁶, A⁸ B-H¹⁰ I⁶ L¹² (pi1, 2pi6, a1, 2a1, L11-L12 blank).
Leaves 2-4 in gathering pi signed 'i', 'ii', 'iii'.
Incunabula short title catalogue, id00029000
Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, D-29
Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 5946*
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 7966
Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, VI, p. 628 (IC. 27095b)
BAC Leaf Collection no. 0307: Imperfect: two leaves only, including a portion of canto quinto from Purgatorio and a portion of cantos XV-XVI from Inferno. From a collection of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century printed leaves compiled by Frederick Werther, with his enumeration stamped in ink.
Subject Terms:
Dante Alighieri, 1265–1321. Divina commedia.
Epic poetry, Italian -- Early works to 1800.
Incunabula in Yale Library.
Italian poetry -- To 1400.
Werther, Frederick, 1881– -- Ownership.
Fragments (object portions)
Landino, Cristoforo, 1424–1504, commentator.
Botticelli, Sandro, 1444 or 1445–1510, illustrator.
Baldini, Baccio, engraver.
Laurentii, Nicolaus, active 1475–1486, printer.

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