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Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404–1472
Leonis Baptiste Alberti De re aedificatoria incipit.
Additional Title(s):
De re aedificatoria. 1485
Florentiae [Florence] : Accuratissime impressum opera magistri Nicolai Laurentii Alamani, anno Salutis millesimo octavagesimo quinto, quarto chalendas Ianuarius [29 December 1485]
Physical Description:
[204] leaves ; 27 cm. (fol.)
Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BEIN Zi +6131: Variation with the readings "CLArissimi," "elegãtissimũ," "qnãmaxime," etc., in colophon.
BEIN Zi +6131: Initial spaces, most with guide-letters. Rubricated throughout with large capitals supplied in red.
BEIN Zi +6131: Imperfect: quire k misbound after quire q.
BEIN Zi +6131: Provenance: Ownership inscriptions of Tegernsee (Abbey): "Attinet Tegernsee 1489"; 1ar "Emptus est liber anno domini [...] 1489 et attinet monasterio Tegernsee. Et sunt 26 quaterni." Stamps: "Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis" and "Abgegeben aus den Doppelstücken der Bayer. Staats-bibliothek." Purchased by the Yale University Library in May, 1957 on the Altschul Fund.
BEIN Zi +6131: Binding: Fifteenth-century stamped leather over wooden boards; traces of clasps and bosses; printed label with the old shelfmark: Inc. c. a. 1540 and manuscript label with title (illegible) on the spine; unidentified super libros on the front cover.
With Angelo Poliziano's dedicatory Epistola ad Laurentium Medicem and Baptista Siculus's Carmen ad lectorem. It appears from Poliziano's epistle that the editing was done by Alberti's brother Bernardo (cf. ISTC).
First edition. Various printings of the colophon (and the final gathering) are recorded (cf. BM 15th cent., VI, 630).
Signatures: a-d⁸, e⁶, f-o⁸, p⁶, q-z, &⁸ [con]⁸ [rum]⁸
Two settings of the final quire are known; in this setting the colophon on verso of the 7th leaf of that quire reads: Leonis Baptistae/ Alberti Floren/ tini viri cla/ rissimi de re/ aedificatoria opus elega[n]tissi/ mu[m] et qnammaxime [!] utile: Flo/ rentiae accuratissime impres/ sum opera magistri Nicholai/ Laurentii alamani: anno sa/ lutis millesimo octuagesimo/ quinto: quarto chalendas ianuarias.
Initial spaces, most with guide-letters.
Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 419*
Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 419
Proctor, R. Index to the early printed books in the British Museum, 6131.
Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, A-215.
Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, VI, 630 (IB.27155a-b).
Incunabula short title catalogue, ia00215000
Catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the Harvard University Library, 2855-2858.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 579
British Architectural Library. Early printed books, 1478-1840, 46
BAC: British Art Center copy bound in 18th-century vellum over boards. Bookplate: Richard Blackett Beaumont.
Subject Terms:
Architecture -- Early works to 1800.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Stamp.
Beaumont, Richard Blackett -- Bookplate.
Benedictines -- Germany -- Tegernsee -- Inscription.
Incunabula in Yale Library.
Kurfürstliche Bibliothek (Bavaria, Germany) -- Stamp.
Monasteries -- Germany -- Tegernsee -- Inscription.
Tegernsee (Abbey) -- Inscription.
Alberti, Bernardo, editor.
Poliziano, Angelo, 1454–1494.
Laurentii, Nicolaus, active 1475–1486, printer.

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