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Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555–1620
Maneige royal ou lon peut remarquer le defaut et la perfection du cheualier, en tous les exercices de cet art, digne des princes, fait & pratiqué en l'instruction du roy par Antoine Pluuinel son escuyer principal, conseiller en son conseil d'estat, son chambellan ordinaire, & sous-gouuerneur de sa Majesté. Le tout graué & representé en grandes figures de taille douce par Crispian de Pas, Flamand, à l'honneur du roy, & à la memoire de Monsieur de Pluvinel. Imprimé pour la secunde foijs & mis en alleman a la ville de Brunsvic Au despens de Gotfried Muller = Königliche Reitschul. Da beydes der Mangel vnd Volkommenheit eines Reuters zu vermercken, in allen Exercitijs dieser fürst. vnd adelichen Kunst, gebraucht vnd practisirt bey Vnterweisung des Königs, durch Antonium Pluvinel, Kön. May. Oberstalmeistern, Rath vom Staedt, Ordinari Kemmerern, vnd vnter Gouuernatorn. Alles nach Ahrt vnd Invention Crisp. de Pass. den Jüngern in schönen grossen Figuren abgebildet, zu Ehren Königlicher Mayest. vnd christlicher Angedächtnis des Monsieur de Pluvinel. Zum Andernmahl aussgelegt vnd in vnsere hochdeutsche Sprach vertirt.
Additional Title(s):
Königliche Reitschul. Da beydes der Mangel vnd Volkommenheit eines Reuters zu vermercken, in allen exercitijs dieser Fürst. vnd Adelichen Kunst, gebraucht vnd practisirt bey Vnterweisung des Königs, durch Antonium Pluvinel, Kön. May. Oberstalmeistern, Rath vom Staedt, Ordinari Kemmerern, vnd vnter Gouuernatorn. Alles nach ahrt vnd invention Crisp. de Pass. den Jüngern in schönen grossen Figuren abgebildet, zu Ehren Königlicher Mayest. vnd Christlicher Angedächtnis des Monsieur de Pluvinel. Zum Andernmahl aussgelegt vnd in vnsere Hochdeutsche Sprach vertirt
In der Stadt Braunschweig : Gedruckt durch Andream Duncker, in Verlegung Gottfried Müllers, Anno 1626.
Physical Description:
[28], 40, 40 p., 64 double leaves of plates : ill. ; 36 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Folio A 2007 3
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BEIN Uzfe45 +626p: Imperfect: p. 39-40, 39-40 and five of the plates wanting.
Date of publication from added engraved t.p.
Added engraved t.p. follows letterpress t.p. and reads "Le maneige royal de Monsieur de Pluvinel ... Die Königliche Reitschuel ...".
Signatures: [a]-[g]² A-U².
Menessier de la Lance describes this edition as a mediocre counterfeit.
Preliminary matter, including added engr. t.p., printed on double leaves. Royal arms of Louis XIII of France and Navarre engraved on letterpress t.p.; engraved portraits of Louis XIII and of the author included in preliminary matter.
Added engraved t.p. by Wilh. Schwan, engraved portraits within preliminaries by Godf. Muller, all plates by Crispijn van de Passe.
Parallel text in French and German, with duplicate pagination.
Designed to be bound with the leaves either folded (in which case the plates and preliminaries are double leaves, and the text consists of French and German on opposite pages with duplicate numbering) or unfolded (in which case the plates and preliminaries are on single leaves, and the text consists of parallel columns of French and German with duplicate numbering).
Numbering of plates irregular.
The final section of the work includes detailed instruction in jousting.
Wood engraved head- and tail-pieces and initials throughout. Printed marginalia.
Mennessier de La Lance: Bibl. hippique, II, 329
BAC: British Art Center copy bound with leaves unfolded (35 x 44 cm.). Apparently missing 10 plates. Bound in quarter gilt-tooled calf with marbled paper covers and painted paper end-papers. BAC also has copies of the first French edition of 1623, and a later Paris edition of 1627.
Subject Terms:
Bits (Bridles) -- Early works to 1800.
Education of princes -- Early works to 1800.
France -- Kings and rulers -- Education -- Early works to 1800.
Horsemanship -- Early works to 1800.
Horsemanship -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. -- Early works to 1800.
Horses -- Pictorial works.
Louis XIII, King of France, 1601–1643 -- Portraits.
Tournaments, Medieval -- Early works to 1800.
Wood engravings.
Passe, Crispijn van de, -1670, engraver.

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