Catalogue of the fine old French furniture and decorative objects, the property of the Viscountess Dungannon, removed from No. 3, Grafton Street
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the valuable collection of fine old plate, Sèvres, Dresden, Chelsea, and other porcelain, antiquities, and objects of art and virtu, formed by the late Right Hon. Earl Cadogan, and removed from Piccadilly
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the very choice collection of old Sevres, Chelsea, Dresden, and Oriental porcelain, service of plate, pictures and drawings, objects of art & vertu, and cellar of choice old wines, of Henry Loftus Wigram, Esq., late of 15 A, Grosvenor Square, deceased
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the small but choice collection of rare old porcelain of the Right Hon. the Earl of Dunmore