Catalogue of the beautiful collection of modern pictures, water-colour drawings, and objects of art of Charles Dickens, deceased
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of a valuable portion of the library of a gentleman
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the valuable library of the late Benjamin Way, Esq. of Denham. ...
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very select cabinet of exquisite Dutch pictures of the Right Hon. the Earl Granville
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the library of William Charles Macready, Esq. deceased
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the remaining pictures and unfinished sketches of Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., deceased
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the elegant and valuable library, drawings, and prints, of Lord Seaford ...
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a highly important assemblage of ancient & modern pictures, from different private collections, including a portion of the collection of the well-known amateur, William Twopeny, Esq., deceased, late of Upper Grosvenor Street
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the celebrated Fountaine collection of majolica, Henri II, ware, Palissy ware, Nevers ware, Limoges enamels, carvings in ivory, hone stone and rock crystal, Greek and Roman coins, ancient armour, &c, &c
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Japanese curiosities, consisting of porcelain, lacquer cabinets, boxes and trays, enamels, bronzes, carvings in ivory, jade, crystal, and bamboo, embroidered satins and crapes, a large quantity of ivory and bronze buckles, studs, and solitaires, sutsuma ware, painted fans, fishing-rods, and other curiosities
The Fountaine Collection
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of Lady Stepney's collection of pictures by old masters, the property of the late Admiral Manners
Skinner and Co. (London, England)
A catalogue of the Portland Museum
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of the well-known and celebrated library of the late Ralph Willett, esq
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the collection of porcelain and decorative objects, the property of G.G. Nicol, Esq.
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the splendid library (imported from Paris) of a distinguished collector ...
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the very valuable collection of chiefly Italian pictures, some pieces of antique sculpture in marble, some pieces of antique sculpture in marble, a few antique and many fine cinquo-cento bronzes
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the original sketches and drawings, paintings implements, colours, lay figures, pictures, prints and books of prints, &c. of that distinguished painter, John Jackson, Esq. R.A., deceased, and removed from his late residences at St. John's Wood, and Newman street
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the collection of capital ancient & modern pictures, known as the Ilam Gallery, the property of Jesse Watts Russell, Esq., deceased ; also, numerous other fine pictures ..
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the capital, genuine, and valuable collection of pictures, the property of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Bart. dec. late president of the Royal Academy
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the very choice collection of old Sevres, Chelsea, Dresden, and Oriental porcelain, service of plate, pictures and drawings, objects of art & vertu, and cellar of choice old wines, of Henry Loftus Wigram, Esq., late of 15 A, Grosvenor Square, deceased
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of a genuine and valuable collection of topographical prints and drawings in England and Wales, the most extensive ever offered to public sale
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a very large and valuable assemblage of water-colour drawings, including the collection of the late John Capon Clifton, Esq.
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the valuable collection of prints and drawings of the late John North, Esq. of East Acton
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of decorative objects, including the greater portion of the collection of John Bidwell, Esq., sold in consequence of his retirement from the foreign office
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
A catalogue of rare and valuable books, the property of Messrs. G. and W. Nicol
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of the late Lord Northwick's extensive and magnificent collection of ancient and modern pictures