A collection of fifty etchings after Raphael, Julio Romano, Guido, Parmigiano, Domenichino, Albert Durer, Paul Veronese, Palma, Annibal and Ludovico Caracci, Guerchino, N. Poussin, F. Mola, Franceschini, Joseph Passeri, Passinelli, Cavedone, P. da Cortona, Carlo Cignani, Carlo Maratti, &c
Head, Francis Bond, Sir, 1793–1875
Landscape illustrations to the Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau by an old man, or, 28 views of Wiesbaden, Ems, Schwalbach and Schlangenbad
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606–1688
Sculpturae veteris admiranda, sive, Delineatio vera perfectissimarum eminentissimarumque statuarum