To George Dance Esquire R.A., architect to the city of London, &c., these six views of the metropolis of the British Empire are respectfully dedicated
January 1st, 1805
Atkinson, John Augustus, 1775–approximately 1833
To His Imperial Majesty, Alexander 1st., these four panoramic views of St. Petersburgh taken a century after its first foundation by Peter the Great are most humbly dedicated
[circa 1802]
Dubourg, Matthew, active 1806–1838
A set of views in the island of Ceylon
Daniell, William, 1769–1837
Panoramic sketch of Prince of Wale's Island and the opposite Malayan Shore, viewed from mid-channel / drawn by Capt. R. Smith of Engineers ; engraved by W. Daniell
Jany. 1, 1821
Buckler, John, 1770–1851
[Views of English cathedrals and churches]
Harris, John, 1791?-1873
[Scenes in the Xhosa Wars]
January 20th, 1852-June 1st, 1854
Daniell, William, 1769–1837
To His most excellent Majesty the King, these select views of Windsor Castle and the adjacent scenery are with gracious permission dedicated
Morant, Philip, 1700–1770
The history and antiquities of the county of Essex
Buckler, John, 1770–1851
Cathedral, abbey, and collegiate churches in England & Wales