Proposals for publishing, a comparative anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body, with that of a tyger and a common fowl : in thirty tables, two copper-plates to each table, 20 inches by 15 : forming six numbers, ten plates to each number
Jones and Co. (London, England)
Now publishing in numbers, price 1s. and in monthly parts, at 2s. each, Commemoration of Hogarth by an edition of his works, commenced exactly a century after their first appearance
Prospectus of a new edition of The Anglo-Saxon annals
Proposals, for publishing by subscription, in ten monthly parts, forming one handsome volume, the Costume of Yorkshire
Prospectus of a history of the county palatine and of the city of Chester
Proposals for publishing by subscription, twelve engravings of a series of views, of interesting scenes and achievements of the British Army in Spain and Portugal
Cooper, George, active 1792–1830
Prospectus for publishing in subscription The Oxford portfolio
Nooth, Charlotte
Proposals for publishing by subscription, original poems
Preparing for publication, by subscription, in one volume folio, illustrated with numerous engravings, a new edition of Thoresby's Ducatus leodiensis, by Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL.D. F.S.A. ..
This day is published, The morbid anatomy of the liver
In the press, and speedily will be published, part I of Archaica, containing a reprint of scarce Old English tracts, with prefaces and notes, critical and biographical
Prospectus of a new general atlas
Hawkins, John Sidney, 1758–1842
Proposals for publishing by subscription, in the course of the next spring, in one volume quarto, accompanied with seventeen plates, An Account and explanation of the paintings and other ornaments and decorations, discovered in the month of September last on the walls of the present House of Commons
On the 1st of February, 1814, was published, no. I, price two shillings, of The new monthly magazine
Preparing for publication, Des. Erasimi Rot. Concio de puero Iesu : olim pronunciata a puero in schola Iohannis Coleti Londini instituta in qua praesidebat imago pueri Iesu docentis specie : Editio nova : Londoni, Typis I. et I.B. Nichols, et S. Bentley, MDCCCXV
September, 1815
Sinclair, John, Sir, 1754–1835
Code of health and longevity
Scott, Walter, 1771–1832
This day is published, part I. to VII. (to be continued quarterly) ... of The Border antiquities of England and Scotland
Somerville, William, 1675–1742
Rural sports, a poem, by William Somerville, author of "The Chase"
June 1, 1812
Preparing for the press, a new edition of The Saxon chronicle, with an English translation and notes by the Rev. J. Ingram ... : a reprint of that very valuable Romance of Morte Arthur, with an introduction and notes, in quarto ... : "The poeticall exercises at vacant houres of James the Sixt--King of Scotland," edited by R.P. Gillies, Esq
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
Proposals for publishing by subscription, the History of the Kings of England from the arrival of the Saxons A.D. 449, to his own times, A.D. 1143
Dec.15, 1813
This day is published, number XCIV, with a view of the city gates
November 29, 1755
To be published by subscription, two coloured engravings, with descriptive letter-press, of the procession and ceremony of the installation of the Knights of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, from the drawings by Mr. Frederic Nash
[June 1, 1812]
Nearly ready for publication, in two volumes ... An inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving on copper and wood : with an account of the most ancient engravers and their works, from the earliest period, to the middle of the sixteenth century : comprising observations on some of the first books ornaments with wood-cuts : by William Young Ottley, F.A.S
This day are published, in three volumes, quarto, price £7:7s. boards, illustrated with 74 plates, printed chiefly from his manuscripts, under the direction of a select committee of civil engineers, Reports, estimates, and treatises, embracing the several subjects of canals, navigable rivers, harbours, piers, bridges, draining, embanking, lighthouses, machinery of various descriptions including fire engines, mills, &c. &c. with other miscellaneous papers drawn up in the course of his employment as a civil engineer, by the late Mr. John Smeaton, F.R.S