A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of modern drawings
Broster, P. (Peter)
A catalogue of the ancient and modern engravings, drawings, books of prints, library, paintings, philosophical apparatus, &c. of the Rev. James Winfield, deceased
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of the collection of rare and estimable original drawings, antient & modern prints, and books of prints
Stewart, Wheatley & Adlard
A catalogue of a very select and valuable collection of prints, recently consigned from Holland
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of a choice collection of engravings after Sir Joshua Reynolds, formed by a gentleman
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a pleasing collection of drawing, by the most celebrated modern Masters
Christie, James, 1773–1831
Part II of the collection of engravings &c. of Christian Josi, Esq., deceased
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the valuable collection of engravings
Stewart, Wheatley, & Adlard
A catalogue of a highly interesting and valuable collection of engravings and cabinet pictures, the property of an eminent collector
King, Thomas
A catalogue of a capital collection of prints, the work of that incomparable artist Wenceslaus Hollar
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the first part of the very valuable and extensive collection of engravings, in the portfolio of Sir Thomas Lawrence, late President of the Royal Academy, deceased
Southgate, James Webb, -1842
Catalogue of a collection of rare English portraits, the property of Henry Llewellyn, Esq. (being the remaining portion)
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the elegant and valuable library, drawings, and prints, of Lord Seaford ...
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771–1842
A catalogue of the valuable collection of engravings, the property of the late John Hoppner, Esq. R.A., sold by order of the executors
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of an assemblage of Spanish and Italian pictures
S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson (Firm)
Catalogue of the entire and very choice cabinet of engravings & etchings, the property of a collector
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of the very valuable collection of engravings, of the Italian, German, Flemish, Dutch, French, and English Schools
Dodd, Thomas, 1771–1850
Catalogue of a collection of prints, comprising the productions of Woollett, Strange, Hogarth, Sharp, Caronna, Forster, Massard, &c. &c.
S. Leigh Sotheby & Co.
Catalogue of a small but very select collection of prints
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of a remarkably choice and select collection of prints and drawings, the property of James Pickering Ord, Esq.
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the first portion of the collection of engravings, of a nobleman of high rank, deceased
King & Lochée
A catalogue of the whole of the copper plates, remaining books and prints, of that elegant and accurate publication the Antiquities of Athens, by Stuart and Revett
[approximately 1806]
Coxe, Peter, -1844
The catalogue of all the genuine and valuable collection of ancient and modern paintings of the late John Francis Rigaud, Esq. R.A.
Scott, Jun., Mr
Catalogue of the intire cabinet of Robert Udney of Udny, Esq. lately deceased, brought from his seat at Teddington
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
A catalogue of a very valuable collection of prints and drawings, collected in Italy by a distinguished amateur
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the extensive and truly valuable collection of fine engravings, drawings and books of prints, of a liberal and enlightened collector
Stewart, William
A catalogue of the genuine and extraordinary collection of British portraits and historic prints
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the valuable and extensive collection of loose prints & etchings, by old Masters : being the entire collection (the Artist's Prints only excepted) of the late John Hoppner, Esq. R.A. Deceased : together with the Mahogany and other presses which contained them : also a valuable assemblage of about seventy original chalk drawings and landscapes, by that distinguished artist, and a few framed and glazed, by Gainsborough, J. Smith, and Daniell : and about twenty capital pictures, viz : the original portrait of Sir Theo. Mayern, by Rubens, from the Lansdown Collection : and others by Titian, Giorgeone, Tintoretto, P. Veronese, V. Dyck, F. Hals, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Wilson : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Friday the 18th of May, 1810, and following day, punctually at one o'clock
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
A catalogue of the wholesale stock of copper-plates and dupicate impressions of Mr. John Manson
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the valuable and interesting collection of prints and books of prints, of Lord De Clifford, deceased, and removed from King's Weston
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a very interesting and valuable collection of water-colour drawings, by Nash, Shepherd, Whichelo, &c.
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the remaining portion of the collection of engravings, of a nobleman of high rank, deceased
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
A catalogue of the prints of Benjamin Heath Malkin, Esq. LL.D
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a most singular, rare and valuable collection of portraits by the Passes, Delaram, &c. &c., some of them unique
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the very select collection of prints and drawings, the property of the late Isaac Pilleau, Esq. formerly of the Bank of England
Squibb, Mr.
A catalogue of original finished paintings in portraits, sketches and landscapes, by Sir Joshua Reynolds
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the collection of engravings of John Henry Robinson, R.A., deceased ; comprising a large number of choice presentation proofs of the works of S. Cousins, R.A., G.T. Doo, R.A., Lumb Stocks, R.A., E. Goodall, B.P. Gibbon, J. Watt, &c.
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771–1842
A catalogue of a small but valuable collection of engravings
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771–1842
Catalogue of a small but extremely valuable collection of early engravings, the property of an eminent collector
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771–1842
A catalogue of the highly valuable collection of prints
Scott, Jun., Mr
Catalogue of the intire cabinet of Robert Udney of Udny, Esq. lately deceased
Thomas, John (Auctioneer)
A catalogue of a small, but very curious, collection of British, and foreign portraits
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the highly valuable and very extensive collection of engravings, etchings, drawings, and books of prints
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of a collection of drawings and pictures, the property of Mr. Thomas Miller ...
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, including several very pleasing cabinet specimens : also, an assemblage of valuable prints by Woollett, early impressions : a few musical instruments, a capital and fine toned grand piano forte, with additional keys by Ball : the property of An Amateur : the pictures comprise the works of Titian, P. Veronese, Giorgione, Palma, Bronzino, Carracci, Guido, C. Ferri, C. Marratti, S. Rosa, Murillo, Poussin, Le Brun, Rubens, V. Dyck, Teniers, P. Neefs, Rembrandt, Cuyp, Wouvermans, V. De Velde, Ruysdael, Ferg, Gainsborough, Morland : which will be sold by auction, without reserve, by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Friday, November 9, 1810, and following day, precisely at one o'clock
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of a portio of the collection of pictures, of the late most Noble the Duke of Argyll, removed from upper Brook Street
Dodd, Thomas, 1771–1850
A catalogue of the extensive and valuable collection of prints and engraved copper plates, in high condition
J. & G. Ewart
A catalogue of the whole of the elegant household furnitures, together with the plate, linen, glass, china, paintings, prints, books ... in the Mansion House
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of the very extensive and valuable collection of botanical prints, drawings, and books of drawings
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the whole of the very valuable collection of ancient and modern prints, of Mr. Josiah Robert Harrison, Deceased
Southgate, Son and Grimston
Catalogue of water colour drawings, engravings, etc.
Phillips, H., -1840
A catalogue of a valuable and extensive collection of ancient and modern prints, the entire property of a nobleman of high rank
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the remaining part of the valuable collection of modern drawings
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of a choice collection of prints, and books of prints, recently imported from Holland
Evans, R. H. (Robert Harding), 1777–1857
Catalogue of the valuable collection of prints and drawings of the late John North, Esq. of East Acton
Christie & Manson
Catalogue of a choice collection of engravings and a few books of prints
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of the ancient drawings and prints of the Prince Poniatowski, from Florence
Sotheby, Samuel, 1771–1842
A catalogue of the highly valuable collection of prints and drawings, the property of the late George Baker, Esq., of St. Paul's Church Yard
Squibb, Mr.
A catalogue of the singularly fine and very rare drawings
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of the collection of engraved prints, fine etchings, and capital drawings, by old masters