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- A catalogue of the curious museum of a Gentleman, deceased : consisting of a collection of cabinet pictures, drawings, fine prints, framed and glazed, bronzes, marbles, carvings in ivory, roman earthen ware, curious and valuable shells, minerals, fossils, and petrifactions, fine dresden, oriental, and old Chelsea ornamental procelane, some pieces of engraved crystal, a few volumes of very rare scarce books, two library book cases, a paair of elegnat inlaid commodes, curious old Japan cabinets, a capital piece of grotto work, and other valuable miscellaneous articles : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at this Great Room, in Pall Mall, on Wednesday, May 11th."
- [1791]

- A catalogue of a capital collection of prints and drawings, scarce and valuable, which have been purchased out of the most distinguished cabinets here and on the continent; the drawings stamped on the back by the several judicious collectors, viz. Padre Resto, Sir Peter Lely, Richardson, Pond, Hudson, and John Barnard : among the prints are many fine proofs and first impressions from Rubens, Vandyke, and other celebrated artists : engraved by Vosterman, Pontius, Sontman, Fisher, Edelinck, Hollar, Mason, Balechou, and other noted engravers : among the drawings is that celebrated one by Thomyris by Rubens, from the Cabinet of Mons. de Mariette--The Mistress instructing her pupil by Cipriani, from the collection of Mr. Locke, with many other capital and well-known works of esteemed masters : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, King Street, St. James's Square, on Wednesday, May 11th, 1791, and following day, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed two days preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had in Pall Mall
- [1791]

- William Earl of Craven. From a picture in Craven Buildings. Son of Sir Craven Lord Mayor of London gained great reputation as a soldier under Henry Prince of Orange of Gustavus Adolphus Keng of Sweden. He took the strong fortress of Crulznack in Germany by storm, which is one of the most extraordinary actions recorded in the history of the Great Gustavus, who knighted him as he lay wounded before the said fortress. Pubd. April 2, 1791 by N. Smith No. 18 Gt. Mays Buildings. See Granger Vol. 5 p. 210 Pennant p. 145.
- 1791 April 2
- Archives

- Monmouth House, Soho Square. Built by the unfortunate James Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded on Town Hill, July 15, 1685 after receiving five strokes of the axe. The house was purchased by the late Lord Bateman, was let by the present Lord, to Count de Guerchy, French ambassador, and was taken down 1773 and on the site Bateman's Buildings now stand. Published June 11, 1792 by N. Smith Gt. Mays Buildings.
- 1791 January 11
- Archives