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unknown artist Monmouth House, Soho Square
unknown artist
Monmouth House, Soho Square
unknown artist A Specimen of Ancient Building (Old houses in King Street)
unknown artist
A Specimen of Ancient Building (Old houses in King Street)
unknown artist Christopher Smart, A.M.
Print made by unknown artist
Christopher Smart, A.M
unknown artist London Stone in Cannon Street
unknown artist
London Stone in Cannon Street
unknown artist A Basso Relievo of a Gardiner. Against Mr. Holylands stables Gardiners Lane, the corner of High Timber Street, is this Sculpture: but why put up, cannot learn. Tradition says the site was once Gardens.
unknown artist
A Basso Relievo of a Gardiner. Against Mr. Holylands stables Gardiners Lane, the corner of High Timber Street, is this Sculpture: but why put up, cannot learn. Tradition says the site was once Gardens
unknown artist London Stone in Cannon Street
unknown artist
London Stone in Cannon Street
unknown artist Ride for Ride - A Concise Answer to Burke's Pamphlet
Print made by unknown artist
Ride for Ride - A Concise Answer to Burke's Pamphlet
unknown artist Samuel Johnson
unknown artist
Samuel Johnson
unknown artist Samuel Johnson
unknown artist
Samuel Johnson
unknown artist Samuel Johnson
unknown artist
Samuel Johnson
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. A discourse, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy, on the distribution of the prizes, Dec. 10, 1790 /
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723–1792
A discourse, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy, on the distribution of the prizes, Dec. 10, 1790
M.DCC.XCI. [1791]
Cooksey, Richard, author. Essay on the life and character of John lord Somers, baron of Evesham :
Cooksey, Richard
Essay on the life and character of John lord Somers, baron of Evesham
MDCCXCI [1791]
Moore, James, 1762-1799. Monastic remains and ancient castles in England and Wales /
Moore, James, 1762–1799
Monastic remains and ancient castles in England and Wales
Camden, William, 1551-1623, ill. The funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth /
Camden, William, 1551–1623
The funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth
Apr. 23d., 1791]
Tomkins, Charles, 1757-1823, ill. Eight views of Reading Abbey /
Tomkins, Charles, 1757–1823
Eight views of Reading Abbey
 A catalogue of the pictures, drawings, painted glass, &c. &c. which will be exhibited and sold by private contract, at the European Museum, King Street, St. James's Square.
A catalogue of the pictures, drawings, painted glass, &c. &c. which will be exhibited and sold by private contract, at the European Museum, King Street, St. James's Square
Great Britain. Parliament. An Act for granting to His Majesty an additional duty on certificates issued with respect to the killing of game.
Great Britain. Parliament
An Act for granting to His Majesty an additional duty on certificates issued with respect to the killing of game
Webb, Daniel, 1718 or 19-1798. Ricerche sopra le bellezze della pittura
Webb, Daniel, 1718 or 19–1798
Ricerche sopra le bellezze della pittura
Rymsdyk, Jan van, active 1750-1788. Museum Britannicum, or, A display in thirty two plates, in antiquities and natural curiosities, in that noble and magnificent cabinet, the British Museum :
Rymsdyk, Jan van, active 1750–1788
Museum Britannicum, or, A display in thirty two plates, in antiquities and natural curiosities, in that noble and magnificent cabinet, the British Museum
Lysons, Samuel, 1763-1819. Etchings of views and antiquities in the county of Gloucestershire :
Lysons, Samuel, 1763–1819
Etchings of views and antiquities in the county of Gloucestershire
 The elegant repository and new-print magazine :
The elegant repository and new-print magazine
Gardnor, John, 1729-1808. Views taken on and near the river Rhine, at Aix La chapelle, and on the river Maese /
Gardnor, John, 1729–1808
Views taken on and near the river Rhine, at Aix La chapelle, and on the river Maese
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803, auctioneer, publisher. A catalogue of the curious museum of a Gentleman, deceased : consisting of a collection of cabinet pictures, drawings, fine prints, framed and glazed, bronzes, marbles, carvings in ivory, roman earthen ware, curious and valuable shells, minerals, fossils, and petrifactions, fine dresden, oriental, and old Chelsea ornamental procelane, some pieces of engraved crystal, a few volumes of very rare scarce books, two library book cases, a paair of elegnat inlaid commodes, curious old Japan cabinets, a capital piece of grotto work, and other valuable miscellaneous articles : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at this Great Room, in Pall Mall, on Wednesday, May 11th."
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the curious museum of a Gentleman, deceased : consisting of a collection of cabinet pictures, drawings, fine prints, framed and glazed, bronzes, marbles, carvings in ivory, roman earthen ware, curious and valuable shells, minerals, fossils, and petrifactions, fine dresden, oriental, and old Chelsea ornamental procelane, some pieces of engraved crystal, a few volumes of very rare scarce books, two library book cases, a paair of elegnat inlaid commodes, curious old Japan cabinets, a capital piece of grotto work, and other valuable miscellaneous articles : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at this Great Room, in Pall Mall, on Wednesday, May 11th."
Throsby, John, 1740-1803. The history and antiquities of the ancient town of Leicester:
Throsby, John, 1740–1803
The history and antiquities of the ancient town of Leicester
Greenwood, John, 1727-1792, auctioneer, publisher. A catalogue of a collection of capital and beautiful cabinet pictures, lately imported from Holland :
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of capital and beautiful cabinet pictures, lately imported from Holland
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803, auctioneer, publisher. A catalogue of a small but well-chosen collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures :
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a small but well-chosen collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures
 The general stud-book.
The general stud-book
Cartwright, Mr., engraver. Six sketches in aquatinta /
Cartwright, Mr.
Six sketches in aquatinta
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803, auctioneer, publisher. A catalogue of a capital collection of prints and drawings, scarce and valuable, which have been purchased out of the most distinguished cabinets here and on the continent; the drawings stamped on the back by the several judicious collectors, viz. Padre Resto, Sir Peter Lely, Richardson, Pond, Hudson, and John Barnard : among the prints are many fine proofs and first impressions from Rubens, Vandyke, and other celebrated artists : engraved by Vosterman, Pontius, Sontman, Fisher, Edelinck, Hollar, Mason, Balechou, and other noted engravers : among the drawings is that celebrated one by Thomyris by Rubens, from the Cabinet of Mons. de Mariette--The Mistress instructing her pupil by Cipriani, from the collection of Mr. Locke, with many other capital and well-known works of esteemed masters : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, King Street, St. James's Square, on Wednesday, May 11th, 1791, and following day, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed two days preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had in Pall Mall.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a capital collection of prints and drawings, scarce and valuable, which have been purchased out of the most distinguished cabinets here and on the continent; the drawings stamped on the back by the several judicious collectors, viz. Padre Resto, Sir Peter Lely, Richardson, Pond, Hudson, and John Barnard : among the prints are many fine proofs and first impressions from Rubens, Vandyke, and other celebrated artists : engraved by Vosterman, Pontius, Sontman, Fisher, Edelinck, Hollar, Mason, Balechou, and other noted engravers : among the drawings is that celebrated one by Thomyris by Rubens, from the Cabinet of Mons. de Mariette--The Mistress instructing her pupil by Cipriani, from the collection of Mr. Locke, with many other capital and well-known works of esteemed masters : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, King Street, St. James's Square, on Wednesday, May 11th, 1791, and following day, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed two days preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had in Pall Mall
Gilpin, William, 1724-1804. Remarks on forest scenery, and other woodland views, (relative chiefly to picturesque beauty) :
Gilpin, William, 1724–1804
Remarks on forest scenery, and other woodland views, (relative chiefly to picturesque beauty)
Ireland, John, -1808. Hogarth illustrated /
Ireland, John, -1808
Hogarth illustrated
Hutton, William, 1723-1815. The history of Derby; from the remote ages of antiquity to the year MDCCXCI.
Hutton, William, 1723–1815
The history of Derby; from the remote ages of antiquity to the year MDCCXCI
J. C. Thirty-six views in Scotland,
J. C
Thirty-six views in Scotland,
La Croix, Demetrius de. Connubia florum latino carmine demonstrata /
La Croix, Demetrius de
Connubia florum latino carmine demonstrata
MDCCXCI [1791]
Vitruvius Pollio. The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio /
Vitruvius Pollio
The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio
MDCCXCI [1791]
Miller, J. (John), architect. The country gentleman's architect :
Miller, J. (John), architect
The country gentleman's architect
Zentner, J. L. C., d. 1785. Une collection choisie de paysages, ou, Un échantillon de chaqu'un des meilleurs anciens maîtres /
Zentner, J. L. C., d. 1785
Une collection choisie de paysages, ou, Un échantillon de chaqu'un des meilleurs anciens maîtres
Collinson, John, 1756 or 1757-1793. The history and antiquities of the county of Somerset,
Collinson, John, 1756 or 1757–1793
The history and antiquities of the county of Somerset,
France. Ministère de la guerre. Reglement concernant l'exercise et les manoeuvres de l'infanterie du 1.Aout 1791.
France. Ministère de la guerre
Reglement concernant l'exercise et les manoeuvres de l'infanterie du 1.Aout 1791
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803, auctioneer, publisher. A catalogue of the capital and valuable museum :
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital and valuable museum
Smeaton, John, 1724-1792. An historical report on Ramsgate harbour;
Smeaton, John, 1724–1792
An historical report on Ramsgate harbour;
Birch, William, 1760-1794? engraver, publisher. Delices de la Grande Bretagne /
Birch, William, 1760–1794?
Delices de la Grande Bretagne
Trusler, John, 1735-1820. The honours of the table,
Trusler, John, 1735–1820
The honours of the table,
Metz, C. M. (Conrad Martin), 1755-1827. Schediasmata selecta ex archetypis Polidori Caravagiensis in musaeo honr. viri A. Hume bart. conservatis /
Metz, C. M. (Conrad Martin), 1755–1827
Schediasmata selecta ex archetypis Polidori Caravagiensis in musaeo honr. viri A. Hume bart. conservatis
Thomson, William, 1746-1817. Prospects and observations on a tour in England and Scotland :
Thomson, William, 1746–1817
Prospects and observations on a tour in England and Scotland
Raspe, Rudolf Erich, 1737-1794, author, illustrator. Catalogue raisonné d'une collection generale de pierres gravées antiques et modernes, tant en creux que camées, tirées des cabinets les plus celébres de l'Europe :
Raspe, Rudolf Erich, 1737–1794
Catalogue raisonné d'une collection generale de pierres gravées antiques et modernes, tant en creux que camées, tirées des cabinets les plus celébres de l'Europe
MDCCXCI [1791]
Wendeborn, Gebhard Friedrich August, 1742-1811. A view of England towards the close of the eighteenth century.
Wendeborn, Gebhard Friedrich August, 1742–1811
A view of England towards the close of the eighteenth century
Toulmin, Joshua, 1740-1815. The history of the town of Taunton, in the county of Somerset :
Toulmin, Joshua, 1740–1815
The history of the town of Taunton, in the county of Somerset
Johnson, R. (Richard), 1733 or 1734-1793, author. The royal genealogical pastime of the sovereigns of England :
Johnson, R. (Richard), 1733 or 1734–1793
The royal genealogical pastime of the sovereigns of England
Novr. 30th 1791
Anstey, Christopher, 1724-1805. The new Bath guide: or memoirs of the B-n-r-d family.
Anstey, Christopher, 1724–1805
The new Bath guide: or memoirs of the B-n-r-d family
Burdon, William. The gentleman's pocket-farrier :
Burdon, William
The gentleman's pocket-farrier
Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von, 1743-1812. A picture of Italy /
Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von, 1743–1812
A picture of Italy
Ellis, William, 1747-1810. The campagna of London, or, Views in the different parishes within the circumference of twenty-five miles from that metropolis :
Ellis, William, 1747–1810
The campagna of London, or, Views in the different parishes within the circumference of twenty-five miles from that metropolis
Collings, Samuel, artist.  Principles of politeness.
Collings, Samuel
Principles of politeness
Richardson, William, fl. 1778-1815. Richardson's catalogue.
Richardson, William, fl. 1778–1815
Richardson's catalogue
Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791, ill. The antiquities of Ireland.
Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791
The antiquities of Ireland
Guyot, Laurent, 1756-1806, engraver. [Views of English residences]
Guyot, Laurent, 1756–1806
[Views of English residences]
Chambers, William, Sir, 1723-1796, author. A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture :
Chambers, William, Sir, 1723–1796
A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture
MDCCXCI [1791]
Shenstone, William, 1714-1763, author. Men & manners /
Shenstone, William, 1714–1763
Men & manners
Adams, George, 1750-1795. Geometrical and graphical essays :
Adams, George, 1750–1795
Geometrical and graphical essays
Tunnicliff, William. A topographical survey of the counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, commonly called the Western circuit.
Tunnicliff, William
A topographical survey of the counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, commonly called the Western circuit
Gilpin, William, 1724-1804. Remarks on forest scenery.
Gilpin, William, 1724–1804
Remarks on forest scenery
Adelcrantz, Carl Fredrik, 1716–1796
Letter to Sir Joshua Reynolds
1791 May 10
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723–1792
Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart
1791 March 15
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723–1792
Letter to the Countess of Ossory
1791 January 1
William Earl of Craven. From a picture in Craven Buildings. Son of Sir Craven Lord Mayor of London gained great reputation as a soldier under Henry Prince of Orange of Gustavus Adolphus Keng of Sweden. He took the strong fortress of Crulznack in Germany by storm, which is one of the most extraordinary actions recorded in the history of the Great Gustavus, who knighted him as he lay wounded before the said fortress. Pubd. April 2, 1791 by N. Smith No. 18 Gt. Mays Buildings. See Granger Vol. 5 p. 210 Pennant p. 145.
1791 April 2
Monmouth House, Soho Square. Built by the unfortunate James Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded on Town Hill, July 15, 1685 after receiving five strokes of the axe. The house was purchased by the late Lord Bateman, was let by the present Lord, to Count de Guerchy, French ambassador, and was taken down 1773 and on the site Bateman's Buildings now stand. Published June 11, 1792 by N. Smith Gt. Mays Buildings.
1791 January 11
Monnier, Henry
Wales, James, 1746 or 1747–1795
Notes on William Edwards, of Caerau, and John Campbell, of Dungannon
Dr. Hinchcliffe, Bishop of Peterborough. Drawn from life by W.H. Brown, engraved by W. Grainger and published according to Act of Parliament, by C. Cooke, No. 17 Paternoster row. July 7th 1791.
1791 July 7
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723–1792
Draft on Reynolds' collection of Old Masters
Drawn from memory after a real scene in the Hospital of S. Spirito at Rome ...Fuseli delint. Holloway sc. Published as the act directs by T. Holloway: 20 Oct. 1791.
1791 October 20
T. Banks, Sculptor R.A. Drawn and engraved by I. Conde, from a model of T. Banks. European Magazine. Published...August 1, 1791 by J. Sewell Cornhill.
1791 August 1