The Great Fire of London, with Ludgate and Old St. Paul's
ca. 1670
Not on view
unknown artist
A General View of the City of Madrid, the Capital of Kingdom of Spain
Print made by Thomas Bowles III, ca. 1712–1767
A View of Florence from the Convent of Capuchins at Montugi
Print made by Thomas Bowles III, ca. 1712–1767
A View of part of Amsterdam from the Harbour Y, Shewing the Herring Packers Tower, the Sluice of Haarlem, & the New Fishmarket
between 1780 and 1815
Print made by Thomas Bowles III, ca. 1712–1767
A Prospect of the New Aqueduct of Lisbon, as crossing over the Valley of Alcantra on Stone Arches, the Largest of which is 150 feet wide, and 249 feet High. Which is 47 feet higher than the Monument in London