A catalogue of a valuable collection of ancient and modern prints, beautiful high-finished drawings, coloured etchings, &c. elegantly framed and glazed
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a most capital collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Pictures, by the most esteemed Masters, in the highest state of preservation : also a valuable selection of capital high-finished drawings, remarkable fine prints, books of prints and bronzes : small but well-chosen library of books in elegant and uniform bindings : a number of fine casts in plaster from the rarest subjects of the antique : capital models, a great variety of drawing implements : mathematical and musical instruments : a quantity of choice music : also all the elegant household furniture : fine china : a fine-toned piano forte by Longman and Broderip : a modern chaise and harness : and a great variety of curious and valuable effects : the property of John Alexander Gress, Esq. deceased, eminently and most deservedly distinguished for his knowledge in the fine arts, at his late house, No. 24, on the west side of Tottenham Court Road, nearly opposite Tavistock Street, Bedford Square : which will be sold by auction (by order of the executor) by Mr. Christie, on the premises, on Monday, April 7th, 1794, and five following days, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed Frida and Saturday preceding the sale.--catalogues may be had on the premises : at the Rainbow Coffee House : and in Pall Mall : also, at one o'clock, on the first day's sale, will be sold, the valuable lease of the premises--particulars may be had : N.B. the first and second days sale, will consist of prints, books of prints, &c. : third and fourth days, the drawings, drawing implements, models, &c. : fifth day, the capital collection of pictures, and library of books : sixth day, all the houshold furniture, china, musical instruments, &c
King, Thomas
A catalogue of a collection of upwards of four hundred original drawings, by Stothard, Burney, Smirke, Corbould, Van Assen, &c.
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
Prints and drawings, framed and glazed, pictures, cameos and intaglios, etruscan vases, capital basso relievos an marble, &c.
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of modern pictures & drawings, chiefly consisting of the works and property of Mr. Serres, Junior, marine painter to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence going to Italy
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of all those select, beautiful, and uncommonly high-finished pictures, copied from the celebrated originals which composed the Electoral Gallery of Dusseldorf, which by the gracious permission of His Serene Highness the Elector Palatine, were copied for the purpose of being engraved, in consequence of an exclusive privilege granted for that purpose to Messrs. V. and R. Green
Christie, James, 1773–1831
A catalogue of the curious and inestimable collection of original drawings which have been distinguished Bell's various edtions of the British classics
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital and valuable books of genuine sketches, studies, and designs from nature, books of prints, architecture, musical instruments, and two laymen, of the late celebrated artist, Thos. Gainsborogh, Esq. Decd.
Christie, Sharp and Harper, e publisher
A catalogue of a capital assemblage of high-finished drawings, and some few pictures by eminent modern artists
King, Thomas
Pictures, prints, drawings & household furniture : a catalogue of the valuable drawings and prints
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a valuable collection of undoubted original drawings and pictures, by the most esteemed ancient and modern Masters
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the genuine and valuable collection of drawings and prints, a few pictures, books, &c. late the property of the ingenious Mr. John Webber, R.A
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of the pictures, miniatures and drawings, framed and glazed of that eminent and judicious collector, Matthew Duane, Esq. deceased
Vernon, Thomas
A catalogue of a capital and extensive collection of valuable, pictures, by much esteemed masters
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the genuine and intire stock of capital and valuable prints, drawings, and copper-plates, some of which have never been published : and a few pleasing cabinet pictures : the property of Mr. G. Bartolozzi, retiring from business : comprising an extensive assemblage of prints of the finest impressions : drawings by Cipriani and Bartolozzi : and amongst the plates, the celebrated one after the N. Poussin in the possession of the Marquis of Landsdown : a ditto after the four elements of Albano : and a capital engraving in strokes after the celebrated picture of the Madona Del Sacco, of A. Del Sarto, at Florence by Bartolozzi, lately finished, and which may be truly deemed the finest plate ever executed by that artist : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, June the 23d, 1797, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed till the sale : catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee House, Cornhill : and in Pall Mall
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a truly capital and valuable collection of drawings, of the late Matthew Duane, Esq; deceased
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of that superb and well known cabinet of drawings of John Barnard, Esq. late of Berkley-Square, deceased
Richardson, William, active 1778–1815
Portraits, india drawings, &c.
Christie, Sharp, and Harper
A catalogue of a valuable collection of pictures, drawings, copper plates, &c., the property, and principally the works of that esteemed and excellent artist Mr. Gainsborough Dupont, dec.
Hutchins, Mr. (Hassil), active 1779–1789
A catalogue of a cllection of pictures, some fine drawings, and a pair of globes, of a well-known artist, retired
King, Thomas
A catalogue of a collection of upwards of four hundred original drawings, by Stothard, Burney, Smirke, Corbould, Van Assen, &c.
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the collection of pictures and drawings framed and glazed, and studies from nature by Mr. George Barrett, of Orchard Street, Portman Square
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of a collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, together with a selection of pleasing subjects, drawings in water colours, &c. by Morland, Wheatley, and other modern masters
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the reserved collection of statues, busts, vases, urns, sarcophagi, &c. and other select and valuable pieces of antiquity
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the large and capital collection of pictures
[London] :
Langford, Mr. (Abraham), 1711–1774
A catalogue of pictures, consisting of portraits, landscapes, sea-pieces, architecture, flowers, fruits, animals, Histories, of the late Richard Mead, M. D.
Printed in the year M.DCC.LV. [1755]
Langford, Mr. (Abraham), 1711–1774
A catalogue of the genuine, entire and curious collection of prints and drawings, (bound and unbound) of the late Doctor Mead
Mr. Langford and Son
A catalogue of the noble collection of pictures, miniatures, bronzes, gems, magnificent embossed plate, ornaments in gold and silver, coins and medals, china, Japan, &c. of the Right Honourable Lady Elizabeth Germain, lately deceas'd