Here in thys boke afore ar contenyt the bokys of haukyng and huntyng with other plesuris dyuerse as in the boke apperis and also of cootarmuris a nobull werke. ..
[R]ogatu pluri[m]o[rum] i[n] opu[m] nu[m]mo[rum] ege[n]tiu[m] appotecas refuta[n]tiu[m] occasio[n]e illa q[uia] necessaria ibide[m] ad corp[us] egru[m] specta[n]tiu[m] sunt cara ..
[approximately 1486]
Breydenbach, Bernhard von, approximately 1440–1497
Dises werck ynnhaltende die heyligen reyssen gen Jherusalem zů dem heiligen grab vnd furbass zů der hochgelobten jungfrauwen vnd mertreryn sant Katheryn
ym jar vnsers heylss tusent vierhu[n]dert vn[d] lxxxvj. yn dem .xxj. tag dess Brachmonedts. [21 June 1486]
Lirer, Thomas, active 12th? century
[I]n Gottes Namen Amen
[17 August 1486]
impressus Anno domini lxxxvj [1486]
Fabule [et] vita Esopi, cum fabulis Auiani, Alfonsij, Pogij Florentini, [et] aliorum,