Hie fahet an der helden bůch das man nennet den wolfdieterich ..
[approximately 1479]
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280
Incipit liber Albertus Magni animalium primus q[ui] est de co[m]muni diuersitate a[n]i[m]alium ..
sub anno d[omi]ni millesimo quadringentessimo septuagesimonono: die uero duodecima Ianuarij [12 Jan. 1479]
Dominicus, de Sancto Geminiano, approximately 1375–1424
[Super sexto Decretalium]
[not after 1479]
Torquemada, Juan de, 1388–1468
Meditationes reuerendissimi patris domini Iohannis de Terrecremata sacrosancte Romane ecclesie cardinalis posite et depicte de ipsius mandato in ecclesie ambitu sancte Marie de Minerua Rome
anno d[omi]ni millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimonono die tercia me[n]sis Septe[m]bris feliciter sunt consummate. [3 Sept. 1479]
[Nicomachean ethics]
Anno d[omi]ni. M.cccc.lxxix [1479]
Gerardus, de Vliederhoven, active 14th century
Thus endeth the prologue of this book named. Cordʻyal. Whiche treteth of the four last and final thinges that ben to come. ..
... fiinisshed on the euen of thannunciacion of our said bilissid Lady fallyng on the wednesday the xxiiij daye of Marche. In the xix yeer of Kying Edwarde the fourthe [24 Mar. 1479]