Pvrchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present.
Korb, Johann Georg, -1720
Diarium itineris in Moscoviam
Korb, Johann Georg, -1720
Diarium itineris in Moscoviam perillustris ac magnifici Domini Ignatii Christophori, nobilis domini de Guarient, & Rall ... ab ... Romanorum Imperatore Leopoldo I ad ... Tzarum & Magnum Moscoviae Ducem Petrum Alexiowicium anno MDCXCVIII ablegati extraordinarii
Eden, Richard, 1521?-1576
The history of trauayle in the VVest and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes